DNA Technology

Have you ever wondered how people are able to identify who was at a crime scene from the tiniest bit of DNA they leave behind? Even an eyelash can expose a criminal.

This can be done with DNA technology, which is something I will be describing in this page. Let's start with a few definitions.

DNA technology - techniques used for studying and manipulating genetic material.

Biotechnology - manipulating organisms or their components to make useful products.

Recombinant DNA - combined nucleotide sequences from two different sources.

Genetic Engineering - the direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes.

With that, let's begin the lesson. Today, I will be discussing three different kinds of DNA tech.

This image depicts the process of gene cloning.

This is a depiction of sticky ends and what they look like. Restriction enzymes cut these sticky ends very specifically.

The Process of Gene Cloning

Gene cloning is an incredible process! I put a picture of it to the left. The process starts with a bacterial cell and a cell containing the DNA you wish to be replicated. Bacterial cells have certain, short, circular pieces of DNA called plasmids that replicate separately from the rest of the bacterial genome, and these will be what we need to help replicate some DNA. In order to clone the DNA we want to clone, we have to insert it into the plasmid. We will do this with a restriction enzyme - an enzyme that cuts DNA very specifically at restriction sites and cuts DNA in an identical, uneven manner, leaving short single-stranded DNA strands sticking out of either end. These strands are called sticky ends - I put a picture of them to the left as well. These sticky ends help the two strands of DNA grab hold to each other. The restriction enzyme cuts both the plasmid and the required gene of interest from the DNA. Then, the plasmid and gene of interest are combined. Our dear friend DNA Ligase then joins the molecules together, creating a recombinant DNA plasmid. This plasmid is then reinserted into the bacterium, which reproduces. The genes produced may then be inserted into other organisms or the proteins harvested by the gene may be used directly. Isn't that fascinating?

Although, this process is used in biopharmaceuticals, gene therapy, and gene analysis - not for crime scenes. There is another entire field for crime scene analysis, called Forensics.

Forensics is the scientific analysis of evidence for crime scene investigations and other legal proceedings.

DNA profiling is part of forensics - it is the analysis of DNA samples to determine whether they came from the same individual. I will explain two different methods used to amplify and analyze DNA.

Gel Electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis is a method that separates macromolecules based on size, electrical charge, and other properties. On the right, I have included a picture of the final results of gel electrophoresis and what the process looks like. For this process, you need a gel electrophoresis chamber, a specific type of gel called agarose gel, and DNA. You place the DNA into little wells at the end of a tray filled with agarose gel and leave it for a while. Once you come back, you should see little bands in the agarose gel - amazing! The way the chamber works is quite cool. It has a positive charge at the opposite end of the chamber from the DNA, which is negatively charged. The DNA flows through the agarose gel, and heavier and larger strands of DNA end up traveling slower then faster strands of DNA, creating those bands. You can place multiple people's DNA in the tray, and if their bands line up with the one on the crime scene, they are pretty suspicious if I do say so myself.

This image shows a gel electrophoresis chamber and its finishing product.

Here is a depiction of the process of PCR.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

PCR, or polymerase chain reaction, is a technique by which a specific segment of a DNA molecule can be targeted and amplified. The process is divided into three parts: denaturation, annealing, and elongation. During denaturation, the target DNA sequence is separated by heat at temperatures of 94 degrees C. During annealing, primers bond with the ends of the target sequences at around 52 degrees C. And lastly, during elongation, DNA polymerase adds molecules, creating two new strands of DNA. This cycle can repeat many times, generating many times the amount of DNA over just a few hours. Isn't that amazing?

Forensic scientists also search for repetitive DNA - DNA that consists of nucleotide sequences that are present in multiple copies in the genome. These sequences are called short tandem repeats, and they repeat different amounts of times in different people. For example, one person might have 45 sequences of AGAT, 15 sequences of GAGA, and 86 sequences of TACC, while another person might have 12 sequences of AGAT, 38 sequences of GAGA, and 4 sequences of TACC. In this way, you can tell people apart. 

I hope you learned a lot in this lesson about DNA technology! I will see you in the next one - don't worry, the cellular biology era hasn't ended yet! I have more planned... but I like to procrastinate hahahaha! You will see what I have planned next week. If you have any questions, email me at twisha.sharma30@gmail.com or send me a text on instagram! Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one!