
How does the world around us work? What laws and processes govern our everyday life? That's what Mechanics is all about, and it's what we'll explore in the following four pages. I hope you find it as logical as I do!

Motion and Vectors

How is motion relative to a frame of reference? What is the difference between speed and velocity? What is average speed? Instantaneous speed? These are the types of questions we will talk about in this section. I suggest exploring this page first, and then moving onto the Newton's Laws of Motion page. It sets a good foundation for the rest of the concepts we will learn in mechanics.

Newton's Laws of Motion

Ah, yes! The foundations of which laws govern how objects behave in their situations will be discussed here, created by our very own Isaac Newton. I suggest exploring this page before heading to projectile motion.

Projectile Motion

How exactly do projectiles work anyway? Is there a way to determine which path these projectiles will take? What is a satellite? These topics and gravity will be touched on this page. Please check out the Motion and Vectors page and the Newton's Laws of Motion page before getting to this one. Otherwise, it might be little confusing.

Energy and Momentum

This page can be read at any time, since it shouldn't be confusing, even if you haven't read the other pages. However, I advise reading them anyway. This page gives an overview of impulse, momentum, energy, and work. As always, enjoy!