7th Grade Health

Teacher Name: Danielle Buzby

Phone Number: (908) 753-5300 x6024

Email: dbuzby@warrentboe.org

7th Grade Health

The following percentages will make up students grade in 7th Grade Health Cycle.

40%- Lecture Response Questions

40%- Written Assignments

20%- Small Projects

Course Descriptions:

Grade 7: The 7th Grade Health cycle discusses the following topics: Pubertal/Adolescent Changes; Endocrine System (Anatomy & Physiology); Female Reproductive System (Anatomy & Physiology); Male Reproductive System (Anatomy & Physiology); Pregnancy/Childbirth (Mother/Fetus Development and Female Body Changes); and Tobacco, Vaping/Electronic Cigarettes, Marijuana; Inhalants (Short & Long Term Side Effects/Social, Emotional, and Physical Consequences).