Curriculum Connections

Book Talks

If you need book recommendations for a certain genre or project, please let us know. We can do book tastings, speed dating with books, or even play musical chairs with books. Schedule book talks, book looks, or simply send students down to browse. We can also ask the public librarian to come in and speak about resources available through the town library.

First Fridays

On the First Friday of every month, language arts classes are invited to come to the library to browse for independent reading novels. Students can share their favorite books with students from other grades or classes. The library staff can also provide mini-lessons or guide student's selections during First Fridays.

Book Selection

Students are always welcome to come check out books from the library. Students can select up to five books at a time. Students can keep the books for two weeks, and renew if needed.

Inquiry Projects

Browsing through a nonfiction book on a curriculum topic can help students identify areas of interest or stir their curiousity. Students can search for interesting facts or generate inquiry questions by exploring the nonfiction section of the library.

Resources Lists

A list of books or websites on a particular topic can be generated by the library to staff to help students get started on a research project. In addition, books can be pulled and sent to the classroom for research.

How-to Documents

Directions on using webcams, WeVideo, Blabberize, and other programs can be found here.

Read Like a Teen

Staff members at WMS meet once a month to share book reviews of YA and middle grade books that they have read and want to recommend to students. Copies of past book reviews can be found here. Current Read Like a Teen recommendations can be found here.

Tank Tools

Students can use the Tank or library to record skits, use the Green Screens, make stop motion animation, or create their own lessons using WeVideo.