
Hello Parents! I hope that you find this page useful in finding activities to help keep our youngest learners engaged and moving forward with the skills that they have been practicing in Preschool. Please remember that we do not do worksheets during our preschool day; therefore we will not be sending any worksheets home for virtual work at this time. The activities that preschool sends home for any virtual days are meant to be hands on, engaging activities that prepare him/her for Kindergarten in all areas of development. We also know that during this time your family may be under extra stress due to circumstances caused by the Corona Virus Pandemic. Your child only normally attends Preschool 2 days a week, so if you are having trouble fitting preschool activities into your day, please do not stress, we are all in this together. Please let me know how I can help your child and your family during this time. I am available and want to be here for you.

*Please remember that Preschool does not start until September 9th and 10th.*


Coming Soon!

Preschool At Home Learning Activities:

Coming Soon