Dear Parents:

I am so excited to see all of my students return to school, both in-person and virtual! I have missed them so much! This year we have an ESL Assistant teacher in our classroom. Her name is Beth Bullard and she was previously an ESL Assistant at Warren East and Warren Elementary. She is excited to meet all of the students.

These are my goals for the first two weeks of school:

  1. Test all incoming kindergarteners and other new students.

  2. Send home notifications of ESL services for this school year.

  3. Schedule virtual ESL class dates and times.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding schoolwork, online programs, or anything else you might have a question about! I will help you find the answer!

Thank you,

Rindi McGregor, ESL Teacher

270-781-9627 (school phone)