Component 3

Component 3 is the Scripted Performance. It is worth  20% of your overall grade.

What's assessed

Each student's contribution to each key extract performance is marked out of 20.

Free choice of play but it must contrast with the set play chosen for Component 1: Things I know to be True

Your chosen play must not match more than one of these aspects of 'Things I know to be True':

Please see the Script Extracts Link below for suggested plays. Please note - approval of each script has to be given by AQA every year. 

How it's assessed

This component is marked by a visiting examiner from AQA.



Must perform one character/interpret one role per extract2.

The performer may perform the same character in both extracts or perform different characters in each extract.  ( 2Or more than one role if appropriate eg in a multi-role play. )

Lighting designer

Must create one lighting design per extract.

The lighting design must be different for each extract ie the student must design two different lighting plots, one for each extract. Each design must show a range of lighting effects/states and cues/transitions designed to meet the demands of the extract being performed.

Sound designer

Must create one sound design per extract.

The sound design must be different for each extract ie the student must create two different sound plots, one for each extract. Each design must show a range of sound effects and cues/transitions designed to meet the demands of the extract being performed.

Set designer

Must create one set design per extract.

The set design must be different for each extract ie the student must either design two different settings, one for each extract, or adapt a single set for each extract. Each design must show dressings and props designed to meet the demands of the extract being performed.

Costume designer

Must create one costume for one Performer per extract.

The costume design must be different for each extract ie the student must either design two different costumes, one for each extract, or adapt a single costume for each extract. Each design must show clothing and accessories, and hair and make-up if applicable, designed to meet the demands of the extract being performed.

Costume designer

Must create one costume for one Performer per extract.

The costume design must be different for each extract ie the student must either design two different costumes, one for each extract, or adapt a single costume for each extract. Each design must show clothing and accessories, and hair and make-up if applicable, designed to meet the demands of the extract being performed.

Puppet designer

Must create one puppet per extract.

The puppet design must be different for each extract ie the student must either design two different puppets, one for each extract, or adapt a single puppet for each extract. Each design must show a complete puppet, designed to meet the demands of the extract being performed.

All designs must be assessed in live performance:

Design students are not assessed on their ability to operate equipment associated with their design.

Assessors must assess the design and not its execution.

Designs should be realised in performance to the full extent possible within any practical constraints.

Design students should have an awareness of how their design will impact on the live performance as a whole