Networking and matchmaking


GAMI's growing international network of partners brings scale in expertise and disciplines and allow WAN-IFRA to offer a coherent ecosystem for publishers to find support and coordination capacities to their R&D projects, and innovation management thinking and practices. In 2017, the Alliance engaged with a number of stand alone events or events organised alongside WAN-IFRA's major international events, including Digital Media Conference, DCX expo, the World News Media Congress.

SPORTS NEWS AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT (1-2 February 2017, Lausanne)

ACCELERATE "Connecting Sport & Innovation" is a unique platform connecting International Sports Organisations (ISOs) with high-tech innovators and providing support to various innovation initiatives. A series of exclusive workshops is organised on a yearly basis around a topic of particular interest with the objective to address sport-specific issues. Prior to each workshop a preparatory study is conducted. Through individual interviews with ISOs and with key actors in the sector, the study aims to understand the specific challenges and needs of all the stakeholders. Based on the results of the study, the content of the workshop is designed with the objective to bring real value to the participants and to facilitate connections between the world of sport and the innovation actors.

In 2017, WAN-IFRA partnered with AISTS, Innovaud, EPFL+ECAL Lab and the Stockholm School of Economics on a programme focusing on Public Engagement and Media. With the current fast pace of technology evolution, sports viewership is drastically changing and media technology is opening up a new revolution in sport. Today, digital transformation dictates the evolution of media by regulating access to content and to data consumers, and redefines market players’ cash flows. In particular, the simultaneous emergence of virtual reality, 360-degree images, big data management technologies and social media are radically changing the spectators’ experience, enhancing their relationship with events, as well as with athletes. This will lead, therefore, to a profound transformation of current business models. 120 media and sports professionals attended the conference and the workshops held at the Swisstech Convention Center in Lausanne. An executive summary of the event can be found at the following link

APPLIED RESEARCH IN THE NORDICS (25 April 2017, Copenhagen)

More than 60 participants attended the GAMI roundtable on Research in the Nordics at WAN-IFRA’s Digital Media Europe conference in Copenhagen (24 - 26 April).

The panel included presentations by Carl Gustav Linden, University of Helsinki, Finland , Freddy Aursjø, CEO, Lighthouse8, Norway , Trine Nielsen, Director, Danish School of Journalism and Media, Denmark, Johan Hoffman, Project and Innovation Manager, Gothia Science Park, Sweden, Torbjörn Svensson, PhD student, University of Skövde, Sweden, Kim Svendsen, Director, Stibo Accelerator, Denmark, Kerstin Bach, Associate Professor, NTNU, Norway

VR JOURNALISM MASTERCLASS (11-14 May 2017, Crans Montana)

GAMI partnered with the World Virtual Reality Forum, an association based in Geneva, to organise a special VR Journalism Masterclass during the 3 days of their annual Summit that took place in Crans Montana, 11 - 14 May.

9 journalists (all WAN-IFRA members) participated for free to this event, which was a 3-way collaboration that included WVRF, WAN-IFRA and The Journalism School at the University of Neuchâtel, a GAMI strategic affiliate partners. 3 teams were formed to create a 360° journalistic production to present on the main stage on the last day of the conference.

GAMI @ WORLD NEWS MEDIA CONGRESS (7-9 June 2017, Durban)

The Roundtable on Media Innovation and Sports gathered 50 delegates from the World News Media Congress and World Editors Forum. Topics discussed included a discussion on why sports news will play a crucial role in media innovation. Journalists, Editors, designers, photographers and the whole news desk should play a key role in these innovations and form the future of news. In Durban, GAMI also introduced the SportsNews Lab, an international foundation for research and innovation in sports news and technology initiated by WAN-IFRA and AISTS, the sport education center established in Lausanne by the International Olympic Committee. The goal of the Roundtable was to share knowledge and insights about the current situation and strategies, exchange on recent experience in the media industry, and identify joint initiatives to collaborate with the SportsNews Lab project.

The Congress session « Innovation from the Lab » included six presentations by John Mills, Lecturer and researcher at the Media Innovation Studio at UCLan (« NewsThings: Internet of Things and News »), Andrea Wagemans, INJECT Project Coordinator at WAN-IFRA (« Report on Media Labs »), Dr. Mats Nylund, Programme Director, MA in Media Management, Arcada University of Applied Sciences (« Blockchain ripples media waters »), Nicolas Henchoz, Director, EPFL+ECAL Lab (« Sports news innovation »)

MEDIA LABS DAY (8-9 September 2017, Bordeaux)

The first Media Labs Days organised at Sud OUest newspaper in Bordeaux was an opportunity for 20 chief innovation officers, head of research institutes and local startups from the Sud-Ouest incubator to meet and share successes and failures in media innovation management. Participants included Nordjyske Medier, Media Innovation Studio (University of Central Lancashire), Roularta Startup Accelerator, NHST Media, Media Maker Space (The Danish School of Media and Journalism), Polaris Media ASA, BBC News Labs, APA Media Lab (Austria Presse Agency), NxtMedia Norway, Stibo Accelerator, Medialab AFP (Agence France Presse), Media Lab Bayern, Independent Lab (Independent Media South Africa) and Théophraste (Sud Ouest startups incubator).

The next Media Lab Days will be hosted in Münich by the Media Lab Bayern on 2-3 February 2018

GAMI @ DCX EXPO (10-12 October 2017, Berlin)

The panel Session «Preparing for the 2020’s» was extremely well attended with presentations and discussions on advanced methods to find the fake news patterns ("Fighting fake news: algorithms as a tool for truth ?"), the presentation of a new free browser plugin to help journalists verify images and videos and debunk fake news by InVid, a debate on the development of Artificial Intelligence applied to news, and latest update on advanced initiatives to integrate startups in news organisation and accelerate innovation in legacy media.

25 startups participated in the first startup Park launched by GAMI at WAN-IFRA DCX Expo. A catalogue of technology showcased in Berlin is available on . Topics covered by tech entrepreneurs attending the Startup Park focus #personalisation #engagement #socialmediaverification #monetisation #fakenews.


Following four regional workshops held in Africa, Asia, Latin America and MENA, WAN-IFRA’s Strengthening Media and Society (SMS) participants were asked to “think big” and come up with innovation projects with a social impact. The eight finalists were presented in Berlin from 9-11 October, where grants will be awarded to go towards implementing the projects in newsrooms.


The geography and process of innovation is now more open, collaborative and dispersed. R&D efforts are simultaneously more globalized and more localized while an increasing variety of actors contributes to enrich the innovation landscape. Arguably, everyone stands to gain from global innovation. Innovation is the culmination of a strong global network that, when combined with local expertise, forges a deeper understanding of te needs and dynamics of markets, ultimately triggering an unconstrained flow new services and products. WAN-IFRA's global mapping project follows these principles. It facilitates a better understanding of applied research and innovation efforts, their impact, and shed the light on the innovative tools in the works with potential value to the news media industry.

Mapping innovation labs, clusters and a selection of projects is essential to establish insights into a number of different leverages to foster innovation in journalism and news organisations. GAMI’s mapping project is a source of inspiration for the global membership of WAN-IFRA. The focus of each case is on how the media lab is structured, and why it was created, what type of methods are developed to enhance innovate, what are the products and services delivered. Each case tells the stories of its successes and failures.

It is a collaboration between the the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers’ Global Alliance for Media Innovation, the Media Innovation Studio at UCLan, Ubilab at PUCRS university in Brazil, Norway’s NxtMedia innovation cluster and Stibo Accelerator based in Denmark.

The project plans to ‘map’ innovation labs, clusters and a selection of projects globally to establish insights into a number of factors. These include how the media labs are structured, and why they were created, what type of methods they use to innovate, their products and services and stories of their successes and failures. 35 case studies are already available online on