RESEARCH & Innovation

GAMI, the Global Alliance for Media Innovation, is a WAN-IFRA programme that works to enable partnerships between news media companies, developers, and innovation centers. It supports an international network of media innovation labs, research centres, innovation clusters and tech entrepreneurs.

GAMI supports and coordinates international research and innovation programmes, develops platforms for news publishers to better work and engage with emerging technology entrepreneurs and innovation centres. Its goal is to rapidly advance new technologies and talents to the market and lead to better economy of scales for news publishers and tech companies in developing and acquiring the next level of innovation tools.

The Alliance operates in five main areas:

  1. KNOW what applied research and innovation efforts, and innovative tools are in the works with potential value to the news media industry;
  2. CONNECT those various efforts developed by innovation centers and technology entrepreneurs to business partners so that they reach their market potential; provide ACCESS for startups to our industry;
  3. SHARE Research and Innovation resources to apply to collective calls for R&D funding programmes; ENCOURAGE Research and Innovation in the News Media industry;
  4. DEVELOP technology and skill sets to execute innovation in your business organisation. Infuse innovation into the industry; INFUSE innovation into the industry; ENABLE technology transfer to the industry

12-Month highlights

3 years after its creation, 2017 has been a constructive and promising year for GAMI. The Alliance joined the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research framework engaging WAN-IFRA on several projects, programming roundtables, sessions, workshops and masterclasses, putting topics like immersive storytelling, wearable technology or data personalization and research in these field at the forefront of discussions within the Publishing world.


The geography and process of innovation is now more open, collaborative and dispersed. R&D efforts are simultaneously more globalized and more localized while an increasing variety of actors contributes to enrich the innovation landscape. Arguably, everyone stands to gain from global innovation. Innovation is the culmination of a strong global network that, when combined with local expertise, forges a deeper understanding of te needs and dynamics of markets, ultimately triggering an unconstrained flow new services and products. WAN-IFRA's global mapping project follows these principles. It facilitates a better understanding of applied research and innovation efforts, their impact, and shed the light on the innovative tools in the works with potential value to the news media industry.

Mapping innovation labs, clusters and a selection of projects is essential to establish insights into a number of different leverages to foster innovation in journalism and news organisations. GAMI’s mapping project is a source of inspiration for the global membership of WAN-IFRA. The focus of each case is on how the media lab is structured, and why it was created, what type of methods are developed to enhance innovate, what are the products and services delivered. Each case tells the stories of its successes and failures.

It is a collaboration between the the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers’ Global Alliance for Media Innovation, the Media Innovation Studio at UCLan, Ubilab at PUCRS university in Brazil, Norway’s NxtMedia innovation cluster and Stibo Accelerator based in Denmark.

The project plans to ‘map’ innovation labs, clusters and a selection of projects globally to establish insights into a number of factors. These include how the media labs are structured, and why they were created, what type of methods they use to innovate, their products and services and stories of their successes and failures.

More than 35 case studies are already available online on . The map is periodically updated with new cases every month.