One School

One Story

this american life (TAL) podcast

High School Edition

What is the American Education System like now, what do we want it to look like, and how do we want it to change?

Dear Waltham HS Community,

The summer reading committee-- a group comprised of teachers, administrators, and students-- has been working for 6 months to find the perfect community read. We were close to a decision when the COVID-19 quarantine began. It caused us to pivot and reconvene around a new opportunity during this stressful time. We selected two podcasts and invited the entire staff and student body to vote. A majority-student vote selected curated episodes from the Pulitzer Prize Winning Podcast, This American Life.

These episodes of This American Life have been curated to express what it is like to be in High School in America today. These episodes, while not always easy to listen to, ask us to think about what our education systems are currently like and demand that we think about what we want schools to be like in America.

Some may argue that this is not the time to deal with these issues, when school and our country has already been so disrupted, but we feel there has never been a better time. Never has there been a such a light shown on what works and doesn’t work in education in America, and we are confident that the brilliant students and teachers of Waltham High School are ready and willing to tackle these questions.

As always, summer reading aims to bring us together as a community. In that vein, check the drop-down menu for ways that you can join a community ready to talk about these issues. We are asking that all students listen to at least 4 episodes. The 8 episodes that will be used by your teachers this Fall are on this home page and each episode also has its own page in the drop down menu with lots of additional resources. If these 8 episodes are too overwhelming, you may also listen to a few light hearted This American Life episodes, which you can find in the drop down menu under "additional TAL episodes" . These will not be part of the Fall programming, but will give you a feel for the podcast.

Finally, if at any time an episode feels too heavy, we encourage you to take a break, reach out to a friend, parent or teacher to talk about the ideas mentioned. We look forward to the discussion that will ensure this fall in classrooms across WHS.

Happy (and inspired) listening!

The OSOS committee

Episode 109:

Notes on Camp

Stories from Summer Camp! Are you a camp person, a non-camp person, or undecided?

Content overview: This episode is one of the older from the TAL archives. While some of the stories are still very intriguing and silly, there are a few references to politically incorrect humor, specifically homophobic punchlines. There is also a reference to the KKK and summer camp borrowing traditions from Indigenous people. For these reasons we recommend listening to the Prologue, and Acts 3, 4, and 6 to get an idea of what summer camp is like. (To listen by act, visit the episode page, and choose the option to listen from the TAL website)

TAL 109 Notes on Camp.mp3

Episode 186:


Prom Night stories, including the story of a tornado that hit a Kansas town while seniors were dancing the night away at Prom. They seniors spend the next few weeks reflecting on why the tornado hit where and when it did.

Content overview: While Prom is usually seen as a fun event, this episode of TAL deals with all aspects of American prom. There are references to drinking, drugs and drug use, and sex. The first act features a town that was partially destroyed when a tornado hit during the senior prom. Lives and property were lost.

TAL 186 Prom.mp3

Episode 474:

Back to School

This episode focuses on an emerging theory about what to teach kids, with ideas from Paul Tough's book How Children Succeed.

Content overview: This episode of TAL discusses instances of poverty and trauma found in schoolchildren, and how that can affect their learning.

TAL 474 Back to School.mp3

Episode 487:

Harper High Part 1

This American Life spent 5 months at Harper High School in Chicago, and they found so many incredible and surprising stories, this is a two-part episode.

Content overview: These episodes of TAL do follow one high school that has dealt with lots of gun and gang violence. There are specific references to gangs, fatalities, shootings, and PTSD. There is minimal swearing in this episode.

TAL 488 Harper High School - Part 1.mp3

Episode 488:

Harper High Part 2

This American Life spent 5 months at Harper High School in Chicago, and they found so many incredible and surprising stories, this is a two-part episode.

Content overview: These episodes of TAL do follow one high school that has dealt with lots of gun and gang violence. There are specific references to gangs, fatalities, shootings, and PTSD. There is some strong language in this episode.

TAL 488 Harper High School - Part 2.mp3

Episode 550:

Three Miles

One school is public, the other is private and costs $43,000/year; they are 3 miles apart. This episode focuses on a program that brings them together.

Content overview: This episode of TAL focuses on economic and racial disparities between two schools. There is strong language in this episode.

TAL 550 Three Miles.mp3

Episode 562:

The Problem We All Live With

All sorts of people want to rethink and reinvent education. Join TAL, as NYT Magazine Reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones talks about her years reporting on education. Hannah-Jones discusses various kinds of school reform, both those that have worked, and those that have not.

(This is the first part of a 2-part episode. To listen to the 2nd episode, use the TAL link below)

Content overview: This episode of TAL focuses on economic and racial disparities. The episode talks about the police shooting of Michael Brown and the protest and riots that erupted in response to his death.

TAL 562 The Problem We All Live With.mp3

Episode 659:

Before the Next One

There’s no rulebook on how to handle a school shooting. And no real way to prepare for one. This week, people take what they’ve learned from these tragedies and try to use that knowledge to save others.

Content overview: This episode of TAL speaks in detail about the events of the Parkland shooting. A simulated school shooting is recorded with the sound of gun shots. Victims of the Parkland shooting are interviewed and describe the events of the day. Parents speak of their grief of losing their daughter and the harassment they face for being activists against the NRA.

TAL 659 Before the Next One.mp3

One School, One Story has always embraced all mediums of storytelling. For instance, the year we listened to the podcast, Serial, was one of our most successful years ever. A podcast allows us to be in the story, hearing the voices of real people with real emotions.

This year a podcast seems even more imperative. It allows us to easily distribute stories, even when we cannot physically hand out books.

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