Episode 474:

Back to School

Back to School Episode

TAL 474 Back to School.mp3

Listen on the This American Life website

Essential questions

The following questions address the major themes and thinking points of this podcast. You can use the questions to help you journal, take notes, or think about what you hear in this podcast.

  1. What are the most valuable things that we learn in high school?

  2. What are the “non-cognitive” or “non-academic” benefits of a high school education?

  3. What is the best way for schools to teach students “character” or “non-cognitive” skills?

  4. Does a person’s success really all come down to “character” and intelligence, or is there more to it than that?

Content Overview

Content overview: This episode of TAL discusses instances of poverty and trauma found in schoolchildren, and how that can affect their learning.


Prologue: We put a lot of responsibility on teachers and so much emphasis on standardized tests to gauge if students and schools are succeeding. What if there could be a different approach to teaching, one that takes into account how a child’s home life has impacted the development of their brain?

Act One: This act opens with the basic question, “What should be kids learning at school?” Ira Glass and a few different researchers discuss the difference between academic intelligence and “non-cognitive” skills such as self-control and patience. They ultimately argue that positive character traits (not intelligence) that make people more successful can and should be taught in schools.

Act Two: This act follows the story of Kewauna, a high schooler from Chicago, whom we meet in act one. We learn how Kewauna is able to turn her high school career around and thrive in college despite a traumatic childhood growing up in poverty.


These resources are here to help you while you listen to this episode.

Transcripts- Some people find it hard to listen to an entire podcast. This is a link to the transcript (written version) of this episode.

EVEN More!

If you liked this episode, and want to read or listen to more about the topics addressed, check out these resources.

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