Social Emotional Learning

November 18th, 2022

This week, students learned all about what Thanksgiving is all about. We learned that thanksgivings isnt just about eating tukey but also about giving thanks. We talked all about what it means to be thankful.

A Little Thankful Spot

By Diane Alber

A Little Thanksgiving Spot

By Diane Alber

A Little Thankful Spot

By Diane Alber

November 10th, 2022

This week, students learned all about we can show love to our friends by showing empathy. We learned that empathy is when we show an understanding of someone else perspective.

A Little Spot of Empathy

By Diane Alber

October 17th, 2022

A Little Spot of Sadness

By Diane Alber

This week, students learned all about how what makes us feel sad and how we can calm ourselves when we are feeling this way. We also talked about how we can show empathy to friends who may be feeling sad.

September 23rd, 2022

This week, students learned all about how to calm ourselves and find our peaceful spot when we are finding big emotions!

A Little Peaceful Spot

By Diane Alber

We learned all about how we can use our breathing to help us become peaceful and calm. To do this we made Bubbles and Flowers.

"Smell a Flower" Deep breathe in

"Blow a Bubble" Big Breathe out


We created glitter jars that we can use to help us find our peaceful spot. To do this, we shake the jar and practice our deep breathing while watching the glitter settle.

September 16th, 2022

Feeling Detective Song

By Diane Alber

September 9th, 2022

Little Spot of Scribbles

By Diane Alber

Little Spot of Emotions

This year students will be learning all about their feelings and emotions. To help with this learning we will be using the books Little Spot of Emotions books by Diane Alber. This will help students be able to identify and share their own emotions.

Feeling Song

By Diane Alber

Here students are working on color Tangled Scribble spot and Rainbow Scribble Spot