Why Your Child Needs Math Fact Fluency

Questioning whether or not your child needs to know their basic math facts with accuracy, efficiency, and automaticity? Please click on and read the articles below about the importance of learning math facts fluently.

End of School Year Expectations

Kindergarten: Fluently add and subtract within 5.

1st Grade: Fluently add and subtract within 10.

2nd Grade: Fluently add and subtract within 20.

3rd Grade: Fluently multiply all products up to 10×10 and related division facts.

4th Grade: Fluently multiply all products up to 12×12 and related division facts.

5th Grade: Keep practicing all facts for fluency!

Students in Grades 1 through 5 can Log In with Google at MathFactLab, an adaptive program that builds fact fluency through practice with digital tools and visual models that help build conceptual understanding. The button to MathFactLab is posted at the top of the Students' Fact Fluency Practice page. Below is a brief overview video for families.

Fact Fluency Family Games

All you need is a deck of cards to play the collection of math games in Acing Math (One Deck at a Time) to strengthen your child's basic fact fluency. Below, click on Scholastic's article for parents on making math facts practice at home fun!

iPad Apps


          Math Fact Progressions Using Strategies

Copy of Addition Math Fact Progression Parent Version.pdf
Copy of Multiplication Math Fact Progression Parent Version.pdf
Copy of Subtraction Math Fact Progression Parent Version.pdf
Copy of Division Math Facts Progression Parent Version.pdf