WCS Ready for Work!

The Mission of Walker County Schools is to ensure ALL students graduate Ready for College, Ready for Work, and Ready for Life!

Walker County Schools is addressing the needs of students being ready for work through two avenues of education-- Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) and LAUNCH. Both of these programs instill in our students the skills necessary to be Work Ready in the 21st Century.

CTAE is a student-focused program that encompasses students from Pre-K Education to Secondary Education. CTAE helps inspire and bridge the gap for students between the 4 core academic areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies) and the career choice for each individual student. CTAE allows students to gain experience in 21st Century Work Ready Skills, exposes them to a variety of career pathways, and provides them the experience and knowledge necessary to have a successful future.

LAUNCH is a program that began in 2018 with a partnership between Walker County Schools and Georgia Northwestern Technical College (GNTC). Students who participate in LAUNCH complete high school courses and college courses at the same time. When students finish high school through LAUNCH, they graduate with a high school diploma and a certificate to be able to go directly into the workforce. HVAC, Welding, Cosmetology, Logistics, Computer Networking, Criminal Justice, Medical Assisting, Allied Healthcare Pathways, and Early Childhood Education are some offerings provided through the LAUNCH Program!

Walker County Schools 2020 Graduation Rate

For more information regarding CTAE or LAUNCH, please contact us at CTAELAUNCH@walkerschools.org