Early College

Please direct all questions to Mr. Kakuda @ ryan.kakuda@k12.hi.us

What is Dual Credit?

Dual Credit is a program that allows high school students to enroll in college classes, and earn credit toward high school graduation and a college degree.

There are several different dual credit programs in Hawaiʻi that academically qualified high school students can participate in. The two most common dual credit programs are Early College and Running Start. The comparison chart below outlines some of the big differences between the two programs.

**Find out more information about Dual Credit Opportunities HERE**

What is Early College?

Early College is an initiative that allows high school students to take college classes on their high school campus. For the most part, students in an early college class are taught by college professors and take the class with their high school peers. Students who successfully complete the college class receive both high school and college credit (dual credit).

What is Running Start?

Running Start is a program that allows “eligible” high school students to take a college course at a University of Hawaii system campus as part of their high school coursework.

More Information:


Directions to Apply for Dual Credit Courses

Click on the link below to access the application

UHCC Application for Admissions Tutorial

The new UHCC application is now live at apply.hawaii.edu. This tutorial is to assist students as best we can with the information provided about this new application. The tutorial is provided by Kapiolani Community College but pertains to all community colleges in the state.