Mission Statement
To provide a friendly and open forum where the School Community can pool their wealth of knowledge, talents and skills to enhance the educational, social and environmental opportunities available to the children of Waikouaiti Primary School, whilst encouraging a close relationship beween home, school and community.
Steph Scott - Treasurer, Sarah Smith - BOT Rep, Jacque Donnelly - Chairperson , Secretary - Rachael Fitzgerald, Katrina McCara - Committee Member,
Jackie Cooper - Vice Chairperson, (Missing Lisa Hall & Katrina Hurst - Staff Representatives)
Are held in the school staffroom at 3.15pm approximately twice a term. These are advertised on our Facebook page and on Skool Loop.
Events Fundraisers
Eastern Hills Trail Ride - February
School Fair - Biannually
Canterbury Clothing Company Biannually
Quiz Night Biannually
How to get involved
Come along to a meeting or email: jacquefots@waikouaiti.school.nz
Recent Donations to the school
Refurbishment of our old Dental Clinic to make a small teaching space
iPads for all of our Junior Classrooms to share learning with home
Upgrade of the School Playground