State Assessment

Wahoo Public Schools Assessment Brochure

​Please see the ​​​linked documents fo​r our Wahoo Public Schools ​Assessment Brochure​ an​d Assessment Calendar. ​T​he​se document​s ​h​ave been ​created to outline the various​ assessments/screeners being conducted at our elementary, middle school and high school buildings​ and are important i​n meeting the ​requirements of Board Polic​ies 5015​ and 5018​. ​​

​Every two years​​, as a part of ​t​he ​required Accreditation process ​​under Rule 10, ​we collect additional information​ ​about each of our school buildings in the form of a surve​y from families, staff and students (3rd - 12th). This information will be requested during the month of ​October in ​t​he current school year​. An email ​​providing all of the ​q​uesti​ons being asked ​​on these s​u​rveys will be sent out​ ​t​o disctrict families on Septem​ber 28th​. 

We hope that providing such information to you in this format will increase transparency with regards to our current assessment system. ​This document ​i​s ​also be​ing emailed to all district families and copies will be available in each of the building offices.

If you have questions about anything happening within Wahoo Public Schools, please don't hesitate to reach out to your student's classroom teacher or to your building principal. 

WPS Assessment Brochure 2023-2024.pdf

Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System

The Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS), pronounced “en-skass,” is a new statewide assessment system that embodies Nebraska’s holistic view of students and helps them prepare for success in postsecondary education, career, and civic life. It uses multiple measures throughout the year to provide educators and decision makers at all levels with the insights they need to support student learning (NDE, 2019). 

Formative - Educator-created tests. Create and administer classroom and district-wide assessments with TestWiz and the Navigate Item Bank™

Interim - Adaptive, grade-level independent MAP Growth helps educators know what students are ready to learn next and measures growth over time.

Summative - Adaptive, on-grade-level measure of academic proficiency relative to Nebraska’s academic standards.

NSCAS ELA (grades 3-8)

NSCAS Math (grades 3-8)

NSCAS Science (grades 5 and 8)

Personalized learning platform that provides free resources for students, unique to their areas of improvement.  **Access by using your WHS Canvas login information.