Nebraska State Accountability

Accountability for a Quality Education System, Today and Tomorrow (AQuESTT)

2023 Wahoo AQuESTT

(Accountability for a Quality Education System Today and Tomorrow)

November 27th, 2023

We are happy to report that the Wahoo Public School District and Wahoo Middle School have received a classification of "EXCELLENT" and Wahoo Elementary and Wahoo High School have maintained their classification of "GREAT."


The AQuESTT system focuses on six tenets which are part of two broader principles:

    1. Success, Access and Support

        • Positive Partnerships, Relationships & Student Success (In Development)

        • Transitions (Four-Year Graduation, Extended Graduation)

        • Educational Opportunities & Access (Chronic Absenteeism & Progress Towards EL Proficiency)

    2. Teaching, Learning and Serving

        • Postsecondary, Career & Civic Ready (In Development)

        • Student Achievement and Growth (Individual Score Growth, Non-Proficiency Reduction, Science Proficiency)

        • Educator Effectiveness (In Development)