Say Hello! : U.P. Staff Spotlight

Ms. Nicky

10/24/23, Amerie Telon

Ms.Nicky has been working at the school district for the last 21 years, but is new to being a security  guard. She is a very nice and easy going person who takes her job seriously... don't get on her bad side!  

As a kid she wanted to be an architect and her first job was Long John's Sliver. As a student she preferred English and she hated math since it did not come easy to her. Ms. Nicky played volleyball for fun throughout middle school and high school. Although she did not play baseball or football as a kid, she is a Dodgers and Green Bay Packers fan.

Ms. Nicky is the proud mother of 3 kids and 3 pets (2 German Shepherds and a black cat who acts like a dog). Some hobbies that she enjoys in her free time are hiking, swimming and reading. The genre of books that are most interesting to her are drama and motivational books. A book recommendation she has: Her written by Perrie Alex Jeanty.    

Next time you see Ms.Nicky in the hall, say hello!

Ms. Zeno

10/06/23, Morgan Rodriguez

As of late, U.P has added a new elective for students to choose from, art! On Thursday Oct. 5, Ms. Zeno, the new art teacher, got interviewed on her future plans for not only her art classes, but also her Art Club.

At the end of the day, when asked 'What her first impression of the school was?', she happily says, "Academics is very important here, not just to administration and the teachers, but also to the students, which I can appreciate. I'm definitely glad to provide that creative element that can give a sense of balance to the academic rigor that's here. But it's nice that we have students that are wanting to be successful, that will do what it takes to be successful, and that are respectful, kind to teachers, kind to each other."

Zeno also goes on to say, " I'm very happy to be here and experience that. Because I was at Hesperia Unified for 17 years before I came here, and it was very different . But I'm very much enjoying the culture here and being that it is my first year, everything is new and I'm relying on my students to guide me, as far as what to expect and what happens here."

With that heart warming introduction, let us all welcome Ms. Zeno to University Prep and hope that she enjoys her stay at the school.

Mrs. Edna 10/24/23, Amerie Telon

Do you need someone to talk to during hard times? Do you have something on you mind that you need so share? Someone trustworthy? Well come see Mrs. Edna in room 129. Her room is located in the office.    

Mrs. Edna is a very welcoming and interesting person. She has many hobbies such as traveling and reading.Her favorite authors are Steven king and Danielle Steel. A book that she would recommend to students is A Chance in this World.  Mrs.Enda has gone to many places but her favorite trip was her trip to Barcelona with her son. 

Mrs.Edna is a mom of 3; 2 girls and a boy. Her first job was working at a vacation club and as a kid, she wanted to be an antorney to go into law. The sports she played where Softball in elementary but here main interest were band. The sports that she follows up on are the Anaheim Angels and LA galaxy. 

If you need to contact Mrs.Edna you can come into her office or email her.