Introduction to Google Classroom

Please be sure to click here and register on Wisdomwhere first if you will be completing this online learning module for a PD clock hour. Only VVSD staff who register and complete all activities can receive the PD hour.

Unit Overview: Managing your workflow in a 1:1 classroom doesn't have to be an overwhelming challenge. The Google Apps for Education (G Suite) includes Google Classroom: a powerful tool to efficiently and effectively build, distribute, collect and grade student work. In this training module, you will learn how to setup and manage your own Google Classrooms, which will make your digital workflow a breeze!

Source: Google For Education on Youtube!

Learning Targets:

I will learn and understand …

  • How both the STUDENT and TEACHER navigate around Google Classroom

  • How to create a Google Classroom and utilize the three major Areas:

      • The Stream Tab

      • The Classwork Tab (not present on sites older than 8/7/2018)

      • The People Tab

  • How to view student assignments, provide feedback, assign a grade in classroom (optional) and return student work (optional).

Success Criteria:

  • I will be able to create and manage Google Classrooms.

  • I will be able to implement a digital workflow using Google Classroom with my students.

Performance Tasks and Activities (Required for PD Hours):

  • Part 1. Training Module Learning Activities

  • Part 2. Setting up your Own Google Classroom

  • Part 3. Review Quiz

Part 1. Training Module Learning Activities

Read, Watch, Learn...

1. Watch the video in the Unit Overview above if you have not already done so. Please Note: This video gives you a general understanding of the purpose of Google Classroom. However, it does not show the August 2018 updates. (New video coming soon.)

2. Read the slide to the right and click through the slide show using the tools at the bottom to learn more about the Highlights of Google Classroom and using the Stream tab.

3. Answer the reflective question linked in the banner just below this text.

2018 update- Part 1 overview and Stream

Now that you have learned about the Stream, click here and complete this reflective question. You will also be able to see how others have responded after you submit your answer.

4. Read the next set of slides to the right and learn about the Classwork tab and Grading and Feedback in Google Classroom.

Note: with the addition of the classwork tab in August of 2018, Google has also provided the option to remove this section and only use the Stream. This is a great option for some of our youngest learners or if you happen to be a Hapara user. To remove the classwork tab, click the ? icon in the bottom left corner from any screen while inside your classroom.

2018 Update Part 2- Classwork and Grading
There are a few videos in the above slides. You can make these full screen or click to watch on Youtube! for optimal viewing.

Now that you have learned about the Classwork Tab, click here and complete this reflective question. You will also be able to see how others have responded after you submit your answer.

5. Finally, read the slides to the right to learn about the People Tab and changing the Theme of your Google Classroom.

6. Bonus! In 2020, Google Added the Grades Tab and made providing feedback to students even easier. Check out the video clip highlighting how to use the Grades tab and provide student feedback in Classroom.

If you are feeling comfortable with what you have just learned, proceed to part 2. Otherwise, click the link below for even more training resources and phenomenal videos created by Google:

Google Classroom Training Center

Part 3 People Tab, Settings, and Theme

Part 2. Setting up your Own Google Classroom

Your Turn!

1. Open a new tab in chrome and go to (You should already be signed into your VVSD Google Account.

2. Follow the instructions on the slide to the right and Create your own Google Classroom.

3. Spend some time adding content to your Classwork Tab, Changing the Theme, and Creating a couple practice posts in the Stream.

4. When finished, invite as a student in your classroom by emailing the join code or by adding manually in Google Classroom. Note: Do not delete or archive your Google Classroom until you have received your PD clock hour from (this happens near the end of the quarter and twice over the summer).

5. Time to get some Student Perspective! Watch the video below . Take any notes as needed.

Part 3. Quiz

In order to complete this training module and earn PD hours, you must complete the Quiz below. You will receive feedback upon submission and you will be able to re-submit as many times as needed.

"Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational." - George Couros