Re-Imagine Johnson

Upcoming Opportunities:

Food Access Group: February - Town wide food access survey should have arrived in your mailbox; it will serve as a vital tool in understanding food access challenges, identifying opportunities, and guiding our future initiatives. The task force will be collecting responses until Town Meeting. The survey is available online here:

Mid-March Johnson General Store opening! at 201 Lower Main Street East, Johnson, VT. For ongoing updates follow the progress on their facebook page

May 15th, 2025 Community Meal - Save the date for the first community meal- more information to be developed and shared with the community as it approaches. 

Task Force groups have formed and held their first meetings on October 9th! To join a group and be kept up to speed on progress, meeting times and dates, etc. see who to contact below for each group.

Next meetings:

Downtown Reconfiguration and Redevelopment If you would like to join this group, contact Adrienne Parker, 314-598-7226 or Paul Warden,, 802-371-7814.

Develop a Housing Strategy - If you are interested in joining this group's contact list, email

Bring a Grocery Store to Johnson and Increase Awareness and Access to Food -If you would like to join Food access contact Jesse Whitworth:,  or 978-257-1697

Capitalize and Increase Recreational Economic Opportunities 

 -If you would like to join this group contact Kathy Black,, 730-3949 or Diana Osborn,, 802-635-2911

Enhance and Strengthen the College/Town Connection

 - If you would like to join this group contact Sonja Kivela,, 802-557-8107

Background Information on Re-Imagine Johnson:

One year after devastating flooding to much of Vermont, another storm event has caused significant damage across the state and some in Johnson.  With this stark reminder of repeated flooding events as the backdrop, plans are moving ahead for a long term flood recovery convening in Johnson that will gather input on the future, as well as hold space for community members to reflect on their current and past experiences with flood response and recovery. 

Re-Imagine Johnson is a 3-part process that brings community members together to actively participate in identifying strategies for long-term flood recovery, decide top priorities, and develop action plans for the future resilience and vitality of the town. The Vermont Council on Rural Development provides the overall structure and neutral facilitation each step of the way.

The Vermont Council on Rural Development is committed to the facilitation of community processes that are inclusive, equitable, and bring together as many voices as possible in every community we work. We strive to engage the voices, leadership, and decision-making of all community members in planning their town's future. We invite all community members, including those displaced from the July 2023 flooding, to participate with targeted outreach that includes a mailing to every resident, phone calls, flyers posted around town, local group listservs, social media channels, local TV and radio shows, and through written surveys for those that may be uncomfortable/unwilling/unable to attend community forums. Community members are invited to help broaden the reach by encouraging friends and neighbors to participate by sharing the event flyer, Facebook Event and by word of mouth!

Visit "Events" to learn more about the schedule, structure, and process.

The Re-Imagine Johnson report is published and available here.  Physical copies will be available in Johnson the week of February 24th at the Town Office, Library and at Town Meeting on March 4th.