Code of Ethics

At Battle Buddies Arkansas, we firmly believe in meeting the highest standards for everyone involved. Our clients go through a rigorous, life-changing program and it only makes sense that their mentors, also veterans, are held to similarly high standards.

Our organization’s values and Mentor Code of Ethics ensures that mentors will maintain high standards of professional conduct and ethics as embodied in the 25 statements below.

01  Mentors will be guided by the principles of self-determination for all. The primary responsibility of mentor support is to help individuals achieve their own needs, wants and goals. 

02 Mentors will maintain high standards of personal conduct, modeling accountable relationships, and fostering wellness and self-care. 

03 Mentors may share with participants and colleagues their recovery stories and may likewise be able to identify and describe the supports that promote their own recovery if applicable. 

04 Mentors will respect the privacy and confidentiality of private information shared by individuals utilizing mentor services or other related professional services at the organization unless required by law, or otherwise consented to by the individual personally; no confidential information will be revealed to anyone. 

05 Mentors will always respect the rights and dignity of those they serve. 

06 Mentors will keep current with emerging knowledge relevant to recovery and support and share this knowledge with their colleagues and those they serve. 

07 Mentors will never intimidate, threaten, harass, use undue influence, physical force or verbal abuse, or make unwarranted promises of benefits to the individuals they serve. 

08 Mentors will not engage in romantic or sexual intimacies with the people utilizing mentor support services in the organization where the mentor is providing services. 

09 Mentors will not engage in romantic or sexual intimacies with an individual the mentor has provided peer services to for a period of 5 years after the peer relationship has been terminated. 

10 Mentors do not provide mentor support services to participants with whom they’ve had romantic or sexual intimacies in the past. 

11 Mentors will not practice, condone, facilitate or collaborate in any form of discrimination based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, marital status, political belief, mental or physical disability, or any other preference or personal characteristic, condition or state. 

12 Mentors will advocate for those they serve such that participants may make their own decisions in all matters, including when dealing with other professionals. 

13 Mentors will advocate for the full integration of individuals into the communities of their choice and will promote the inherent value of these individuals to those communities. 

14 Mentors will be directed by the knowledge that all individuals have the right to live in the least restrictive and least intrusive environment unless directed by the court or healthcare provider. 

15 Mentors will strive to avoid dual relationships or commitments that conflict with the interests of those they serve. When a dual relationship or conflict can’t be avoided, the mentor informs a supervisor of the relationship or conflict and strives to ensure the individual is not exploited in any way. 

16 Mentors will not exchange gifts with those they serve. 

17 Mentors will take responsibility for maintaining the integrity and quality of job performance. This includes using time to the advantage of the participants and always giving the best effort on the job. 

18 Mentors will strive through words and actions to create a professional atmosphere in the work environment. Mentors will use appropriate language and avoid stigmatizing language. 

19 Mentors will not use derogatory language in their communications, whether written or verbal. Mentors will avoid negative criticism of colleagues to include members of the Court, probation and health care providers. 

20 Mentors will fairly and accurately represent themselves and their capabilities to the participants and the community. 

21 Mentors will maintain a safe and healthy work environment. 

22 Mentors will provide services to meet the identified needs of the participants and avoid providing services that are unnecessary or not capable of producing the desired effect. 

23 Mentors will not use illegal substances under any circumstance. Mentors will not use a prescribed medication in a non-prescribed way and will only use over the counter medication for its intended use. 

24 Mentors will not use relationships with individuals utilizing mentor support services for financial gain or put a participant or colleague at risk of exploitation or harm. 

25 Mentors shall report any felony or misdemeanor conviction to the Northwest Arkansas Veterans Treatment Program Director within 30 days of conviction. 

Code of Ethics adapted from the Certified Peer Specialist Code of Ethics published by the Missouri Credentialing Board, publication date unknown.