Each district has program delivery items that assist with impactful program delivery. The items below are not the exhaustive list of what your district has. You will need to contact your District Health Rocks! Captain to learn more about the items they have to enhance your program delivery with engaging displays and demonstrations.

The Skeletal Smoker

Drunk Goggles

Giant Mr. Gross Mouth

A Variety of Bingo Sets

Teeth in Tobacco Juice

A Year's Worth of Tar in a Jar

Pig Lung Smoker's Lung Simulator Kit

Mr Dip Lip

Anatomical Model of a Tarred Lung

Vaping and Smoking DVDs

Smokey Sue Smokes for Two Demonstration Set

Smokey Sue Demonstration set

Artery Dried Lung Demonstration

Nicotine and Tar Measuring Demonstration

Vaping and Smoking Dangers Display

Drunk Goggle Mat Set with Steering Wheel

If you have any questions or concerns about this page, please contact 4-H Agent, Jonette Mungo at or Program Specialist Dr. Tonya Price at