Curriculum & Instruction

"Through schoolwide SEL, your team can ensure that SEL is woven throughout academic instructional time to support and deepen learning."


Integration of SEL & Academic Instruction is Key

Social and emotional competencies serve as a foundation for achieving academic goals, while academic instruction also provides a ripe opportunity for teaching and practicing SEL. Through schoolwide SEL, your team can ensure that SEL is woven throughout academic instructional time to support and deepen learning.

Although series this was recorded for the 2020-21 school year, the integration of SEL into everyday practices and instruction is still very relevant and can be adapted to ANY grade level. You can find it under the "Be Ready Series - Summer 2020".

This series will focus on creating a positive, safe, and healthy classroom through connection and community building. Attendees will learn about how important environment, expectations, and routines are during this challenging return to school, while also focusing on self-care.

Access to this webinar series is free, but registration is required as it is possible to earn professional development hours by completing it. The link below will take you to the registration form. Following submission of your registration, you will be directed to the webinar content. Please email Margo Vaughan ( or Jennifer Baldwin ( for more information.

Register for and Access Tier 1 Classroom Management for K-2

Image of teacher in fron to students teaching
Image of Greater Good in Education trademark

We provide research-based tools and training to shift our culture toward a kinder and more compassionate society. Included are practices for integrating social-emotional learning, mindfulness, ethics, kindness, gratitude, and other prosocial qualities into academic content and pedagogy.

Image of Michael Phelps with kids
Image of Kids Health in Classroom

KidsHealth has teamed up with the Michael Phelps Foundation to create imHealthy and imSuccessful learning programs that empower kids to live healthy, active lives. Featured is a behavioral health series inspired by Michael and his challenge to overcome anxiety and depression. The lesson plans help kids handle strong emotions and worries by learning to manage them in healthy ways.