Judaic Studies

Humanities (HUM)

HUM 5104 (RLCL 5104) (ART 5104) - Historical & Theoretical Frameworks in Material Culture & Public Humanities

Study of the theoretical frameworks and historiographic debates that inform the contemporary research and writing of material culture and public humanities. Investigation of methodologies ranging from Marxism to postmodernism with specific application to cultural objects situated in the public sphere. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing required.

HUM 5204 (RLCL 5204) - Research Methods in Material Culture and Public Humanities

Introduction to skills and methods used in the research, writing and publication on material culture and public humanities. Pre: Graduate Standing.

HUM 5304 - Material Culture and Humanities in the Public Sphere

Advanced seminar on material culture and humanities in the public sphere through an examination of humanistic approaches to civic spaces, applying critical turns to public debates. Graduate Standing required.

HUM 5584 (RLCL 5584) - Topics in Public Humanities

Advanced seminar on topics in public humanities, ranging from an exploration of how various humanities disciplines relate to public issues and concerns, to a study of region, regionalism, and place in public humanities. May be repeated with different topic content for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing required.

HUM 5904 - Project and Report

Project and Report

HUM 5984 - Special Study

Special Study

HUM 5994 - Research and Thesis

Research and Thesis

Religion and Culture (RLCL)

RLCL 5004 (APS 5004) - Foundations of Appalachian Studies

Interdisciplinary study of Appalachia. Historiographical debates and theoretical frameworks that inform contemporary scholarship in Appalachian studies, especially as they relate to race, class, gender, and place. Regional history and demographics. Cultural representations of Appalachia. Current social, economic, and environmental issues. Application of theoretical and historical considerations to the construction of research projects.

Pre: Graduate Standing.

RLCL 5104 (ART 5104) (HUM 5104) - Historical & Theoretical Frameworks in Material Culture & Public Humanities

Study of the theoretical frameworks and historiographic debates that inform the contemporary research and writing of material culture and public humanities. Investigation of methodologies ranging from Marxism to postmodernism with specific application to cultural objects situated in the public sphere.

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5114 - The Bible & US Public Schools

Brief survey of the history of various ways the Bible has been included in U.S public schools, the legal background, and strategies and resources for the academic exploration of biblical materials as they come up appropriately in literature and social studies classes.

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5124 - Religion and Modernity in the West

A study of the relationship between religion and modernity in the West, with analysis of whether modern society is "disenchanted" or "secularized," or whether religion has remained a potent force in western society and thought. Through a survey of some of the major thinkers and themes of modern religious thought, we will consider the philosophical, economic, political, and legal aspects of the location of religion in the modern world.

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5134 (ASPT 5134) - Islamic Political Thought

The course will review the most significant elements on Islamic political thought throughout Islamic history; the teaching of the Qur'an, the formation of political thought in the medieval period, and the main trends of political thought in the modern world, including in the West. It will examine the connections between Islamic political thought in the medieval and modern periods.

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5204 (HUM 5204) - Research Methods in Material Culture and Public Humanities

Introduction to skills and methods used in the research, writing and publication on material culture and public humanities.

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5304 - Material Culture & Humanities

Advanced seminar on material culture and humanities in the public sphere through an examination of humanistic approaches to civic spaces, applying critical turns to public debates.

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5584 (HUM 5584) - Topics in Public Humanities

Advanced seminar on topics in public humanities, ranging from exploration of how various humanities disciplines relate to public issues and concerns, to a study of region, regionalism, and place in public humanities. May be repeated with different topic content for a maximum of 9 credits.

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5904 - Project and Report

Project and Research

RLCL 5984 - Special Study

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 5994 - Research and Thesis

Pre: Graduate standing.

RLCL 6024 - Contemporary Religious Thought

Concentrates on a selected major figure in religious thought in relation to contemporary society, politics, ethics, and culture. May be repeated up to five times with different content. Pre: Graduate standing.

Pre: Graduate standing.