Workshop for Women in Cybersecurity Research (CyberW)

KeyNote by Maribel Fernández


Rewriting and Applications to Security


In the first part of the talk I will give a brief overview of my research area, focusing on applications of rewriting to protocol analysis, access control and privacy. The second part will be devoted to informal discussions about career choices and strategies, sharing some advice.


Maribel Fernández is a Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Informatics at King’s College London. She obtained her PhD in Paris in 1993, and her Habilitation in 2000 while she was a Maître de conférences at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris). Her research interests include computation models, specification and programming languages, and the development of tools for the analysis and verification of complex systems. She uses rewriting-based techniques to analyse the dynamic behaviour, security and reliability of systems (e.g., software applications, bio-chemical systems), and has developed modelling and simulation tools based on graph rewriting in collaboration with researchers in France and the UK. She has also written textbooks on programming languages and computation models to introduce these research areas to undergraduate and MSc students. She is a member of the EAPLS PhD award panel since 2011, and was a member of the ACM-W scholarships panel (2012-2018), which encourages female students in Computer Science to do research through grants and mentoring.