Workshop for Women in Cybersecurity Research (CyberW)
Early Career Award Presentation by Martina Lindorfer
Large-scale Mobile App Analysis for the Detection of Malware and Privacy Leaks
I will start this talk with a brief overview of my past and current research, and how I went from traditional systems security topics to the investigation of privacy issues in mobile apps.
In the second part of my talk I will discuss how I decided to pursue a career in academia rather than industry (research), and my lessons learned after the first year on the tenure track.
Martina Lindorfer is an Assistant Professor in the Security and Privacy Group at TU Wien. She is also a key researcher at SBA Research, the largest research center in Austria which exclusively addresses information security. She received her PhD degree from TU Wien in 2016 and spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher in the SecLab at the University of California, Santa Barbara before starting her tenure track in 2018.
Her research focuses on systems security and privacy, with a special interest in static and dynamic malware and app analysis, as well as mobile system vulnerabilities. She is passionate about building large-scale analysis systems and providing them to the community. She was involved in the development and maintenance of Andrubis, a publicly available service to analyze Android apps for malicious behavior. She is a contributor to ReCon, a tool that allows users to take control over which data mobile apps are leaking. She also works on the exploitation of and defense against rowhammer and other side-channel vulnerabilities.