Counselor/CIT Portfolios

What is the Portfolio?

A big part of 4-H involves developing life skills through hands-on activities. The portfolio serves as a Record Book or a Project Book to help teens track their activities, community service, and training hours.

Your 4-H Record Book emphasizes development of important life skills. Proper completion of a Member Record Form and Project Record Form(s) each year will help build your skills in goal setting, decision making, and record keeping. These are skills you will need throughout your lifetime if you plan to succeed! The design of 4-H Record Forms places emphasis on the types of 4-H involvement most important to help you achieve desired experiences, and it helps you to develop and practice some of the skills listed here.

Ultimately, your 4-H Member and Project Records will form an excellent summary of your 4-H career. You will use information in the 4-H records to complete 4-H resumés, All Star forms and in making application for jobs, scholarships and honors. Your 4-H records may become a personal scrapbook which will be cherished for many years.

Portfolios are due to Hannah and Melissa a week before 4-H Camp! 


Copy of CounselorCIT Portfolio (1).pdf