Transition Planning

Transitioning the Plan

So, the year is coming to a close! How can current teams support the receiving team and student to start the next school year with a plan?

And before you know it, the new year is almost here!! How can receiving teams start the year being proactive? The Considerations for Planning a Successful Start to the School Year & Beyond checklist provides guidance to support teams' collaboration as they transition students with behavior support plans.

The receiving team interviews the sending team. This allows the receiving team to capture information they think they need to support the student.

The purpose of the Behavior Support Transition Plan is to make sure the good work completed by the current team carries over to the new school year.


  • long and short term goals

  • what should be ready and in place (supports and strategies)

  • progress with new learning

  • the "message" of the behavior

  • data and the data collection system

Adult Assistance Chart

How can the receiving teams start where the previous team left off in supporting students’ levels of independence? Adult Assistance Charts allow teams to describe the assistance students need in different aspects of their school day. Not only does it document how adults/peers are supporting the student now, it also communicates to next year’s team where, within the school day, the student is experiencing success and experiencing independence.