simulation game


This game will allow direct interaction and teamwork between all actors involved in the educational process who have a direct influence on the prevention of difficulties of children with OOP. Leadership skills, stress tolerance and emotional stability will be developed among the basic skills


Results of the first upgrade of the simulation game

Ми поступово вдосконалюємо пропоновану симуляцію для роботи в синхронному та асинхронному форматі. Тому цьогорічна симуляціна гра була перенесена в онлайн форму та в подальшому обговорювалася під час проєктних та інших зустрічей

We are gradually improving the proposed simulation to work in both synchronous and asynchronous formats. Therefore, this year's simulation game was transferred to an online form and further discussed during project and other meetings.
