«Inclusive education as an individual trajectory of personal growth of a child with special educational needs» 

(6th School of Inclusive Education Technology)

27 April 2023

Welcome to the conference!

Languages of the conference: 

Ukrainian, Polish, English, Czech, etc.

Dear Colleagues

Scientists, doctoral students, postgraduate students, students, teachers and practitioners.

We invite you to take part in the VI  All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation

«Inclusive education as an individual trajectory of personal growth of a child with special educational needs» 

(VI School of Technologies of Inclusive Education), which will be held on April  27, 2023 (Vinnitsa)

within the project of Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module




organizer website

We met offline!


We met online!


Conference venue

Materials of previous conferences on the page "Archive"

QR-code of the conference page in English

Інформація щодо конференції українською мовою

Conference information in English