Come and See

The Fraternity Verbum Spei is happy to associate its mission with the local Church. As such, the brothers offer opportunities to young men (from 18 to 35 years old) who wish to come to live for a time with them.

In Boise, the Fraternity offers an exceptional experience of community life centered around the Word of God and the Eucharist under the motherhood of Our Lady. The students, in their search for wisdom, will study under the guidance of the community of Verbum Spei a realistic philosophy, a theology fed by the Tradition of the Church and Scripture. It is a nine month live-in experience, aimed at helping the students mature their minds and hearts at the service of sanctity.

If you are interested in learning more about living and sharing your life with us for a period of time, we want to hear from you. Please use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page.