• Drive Less - Over half of CO2 comes from driving, use public transit or carpooling.
  • Weatherproof Your Home- install storm windows and close your curtains at night to reduce heat and energy loss.
  • Change Your Lights- Regularly replace your light bulbs to eliminate 150 pounds or more of CO2 for each bulb per year.
  • Cut Hot Water Use- Turn your hot water down to 120 and wrap your hot water heater in insulation.
  • Adjust Your Thermostat- Moving your thermostat down 2 degrees in the winter and up 2 in the summer could save about 2,000 pounds of CO2 a year.
  • Turn Off Power- some TV models use more power when they're off than when they're on, plug them and other appliances to a surge protector.
  • Purchase Green Power- try using more renewable energy power, such as rooftop solar panels.
  • Recycle- Try recycling waste like newspapers, cardboard, glass, and metal.
  • Shop Smart- Try buying products with less packaging or try finding things with recyclable packaging.
  • Human Pollution and Dumping- Next time you are at the beach or your near and ocean try picking any drifting trash.
  • Releasing Fossil Fuels- One of the most common pollutants humans release into the oceans are fossil fuels. Humans burn gases from fuel they use in the cars or other means of transportation. even though your not directly effecting the the ocean, the ocean absorbs the gases, causing coral bleaching, migrating to the poles, and dying animals.