New Rower and Parent Info


The rowing team operates in the fall and spring as a varsity sport with a voluntary winter training season for athletes not participating in winter sports.

Fall season- is traditionally a “training” season when rowers concentrate on technique and stamina.  Races in the fall are typically called “Head” races and are longer distances than races in the Spring. 

Winter training- is a conditioning season when rowers concentrate on fitness and strength.  We have access to ergometers (rowing machines) and weight lifting equipment. We will compete in  an indoor regatta, The Center City Slam.

Spring season- builds off the preparation done in the fall and winter training and/or participation in other Villa sports teams in those seasons. Spring races are “sprint” races, usually 1500 meters or 2000 meters in length.  The Spring season is also the time when the team typically competes, if qualified, in prestigious and competitive regattas such as the Philadelphia City Championships, USRowing Mid-Atlantic Championships, Stotesbury Cup, the Scholastic Rowing Association of America Championship, N.S.R.A. Championship and USRowing Youth National Championship.

Athletes are encouraged to participate in all seasons, but that is not a requirement to join for the Spring season, as it is understood that some athletes may want to compete in other interscholastic sports and activities.

Rowers- What should I wear/bring to practice?

Winter/indoor workouts- spandex shorts and tank or tshirt, running shoes. Warm clothes to put on after workout to go home in. Reusable water bottle!

Water practices- always bring your own reusable water bottle and sneakers!

Parents- What should I bring to a regatta?

You should plan on being on the river for quite some time, enjoy the races, meet other parents and take in the fun atmosphere. Suggested items to bring (depending on the weather): 

• Binoculars 

• Portable chairs 

• Sunscreen (important even on gray days) especially important for the athlete on the water!

• Racing schedule; usually available one to two days before the race.

• Something to read 

• Rain gear (races are only cancelled in rain if it is really windy or for a thunderstorm) 

• Dress in layers, especially early in the season