
Our Favourite HR Product is Performance Reviews

There is a true sense of fulfilment when you run a performance procedure that is well designed and produces the outcome the CEO and the team wished for.

Why Isn't This Procedure Often Successful?

It was quite often that we see companies failing to take this procedure through to fruition. Dropping the admin side of things, and losing focus of why we do performance check-ins are some of the reasons we see companies slugging and doing performance reviews just to check a box.

Lastly, the reporting that goes with it. You are only two thirds into the exercise when you finish all employee meetings. You still need to gather the data, and create insightful reporting from it. And you need ensure continuity for the next cycle.

How Outsourced HR Experts Get Involved in the Process?

It takes about 2 hours of communication and logistic work for every 1 hour digest in between employee/ manager, this time often goes unaccounted for.

If HR is not involved in the session, there is no objective observer. Like couple's therapy almost. It's not the same to discuss things in front of a third party, someone that is not part of the day to day dynamics.

Systems That We Put in Place From the Get-Go.

We design a performance digest with the CEO of the company, we provide awareness on all types of different systems to be used: OKR / KPI / Pulsing, to name a few. As well as adding company fit, career development, training needs, etc.

Once the digest is designed we create a schedule and slot in all your employees, we try fit them in a 3 month review period, ideally we will be doing 1 to 3 reviews per week depending on your staff compliment. This system is called "on-demand" as opposed to scheduling all reviews to happen in one week, which is madness for HR.

Once all meetings took place, we create reporting for management based on the insights that can be extracted from the digests. Such insights can be utilised by your finance team to link to rewards systems, bonus structure, promotions, etc.

Save Time and See Results.

The best part of outsourcing this procedure is that you and your managers take the load off getting everything done. All we need from you and your managers is just pitching up to the meeting, and focus on providing honest feedback. The rest is on us.

And the second best part... If we follow through on this procedure cycle after cycle, your employees will get a real sense of how they are doing in your company, and the rate of disciplinary sessions reduces dramatically, because you are proactively addressing areas of development and also promoting a good work environment.

What's Included in This Package?

-Design of the digest

- Creation of schedules for the full team

- Internal communication to launch procedure and on an on-going basis to get all input required (feedback from manager, reminder email to employee, calendar invites)

- Re-scheduling meetings when necessary

- Facilitating the employee and manager meeting

- Gathering insights for HR reporting and providing feedback to the team