Hey Gorgeous

Responsive Web Design

Hey You

The "Hey You" online competition is a personality and creativity based contest where contestants will be asked to show a "get ready with me" video where they communicate (either verbally or visually) what it is that makes them unique.



Design a responsive competition website for an already-existing brand with an original website. This website needs to encapsulate the brand’s essance and possibly attract more customers. There needs to be a before, during and after page for every stage of the competition and there needs to be a design for mobile, tablet and desktop. 


How are we going to attract more customers and satisfy Hey Gorgeous’ existing ones while staying truthful and authentic to their existing brand?


By doing extensive research on the principles of Responsive Web Design as well as a Brand Analysis of the Hey Gorgeous brand, I developed a competition that suits Hey Gorgeous’ legacy. I experimented and explored in my design process to find the best possible overall solution.



Digital wireframes

After some initial sketching, I moved on to digital wireframes and a wireflow to get a general feeling for the flow of the application and the features and functions that will be implemented


The competition is a personality and creativity based contest where the contestants will be asked to show a "get ready with me" video where they communicate (either verbally or visually) what it is that makes them unique.


Overall, I found it was a challenge to implement responsive design and to constantly keep different screens, devices and orientations in mind. Finding the balance between aesthetics and practicality was also a challenge. However, these challenges were beneficial, as I know a lot more about responsive web design than I did before this assignment. Through these challenges, I was also encouraged to approach designing from a different angle.