Lakeland Central School District

Ben Franklin Elementary School

Mrs. Long's Art Room

Welcome to Mrs. Long's Website!

Here you can find current class art projects, fun art links and information on what's happening in the Art room.

The art room is a place where your child has the freedom to express themselves, problem solve, develop more self-confidence and improve their fine motor skills. Through creative thinking, your child will develop observational, expressive and technical skills. Art also reinforces many concepts from the academic classroom and is a wonderful environment to experiment with different materials and have fun!


We will be using a variety of materials throughout the year. Many of these materials could possibly stain your child's clothes.

An old over-sized T-Shirt works best (buttons and ties can be challenging).

Please label the tag/collar with your child’s name.

Please send in as soon as possible.


When your child mentions art class or brings home their artwork, please ask

them to tell you about their masterpiece. There is a lot of thought, effort

and imagination that goes into each work of art your child creates and

asking him/her to tell you about it will undoubtedly be a wonderful

experience for you both.

Kid Friendly Art Websites

Keith Haring shares his vision of art and inspires kids to discover their own creative side.

Create drawings and animation too!!

The faster you click, the faster it draws!!

Create your own comic strips and cartoons.

Create paintings, collages, and wallovers

Ideas, games and fun !!

Have fun with this modern art generator. Try out the differnent tools and effects!!

Arts games and more...

Five art games and activities

Create portraits in the style of Pablo Picasso