Thanks for the reply and thanks for sharing your investigation result. Just want to point one more things out that could possibly cause this error code: Some of the files are not resignable. You may refer to the FAQ here for more details: -sdk-windows#frequently-asked-questions-faq

Based on the info you provided in this post, the error code 105035 appears when some of the files are being re-signed(and this is so far the only reason that would cause this), please have a try with the following:

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You can adjust the zoom level in VS Code with the View > Appearance > Zoom commands. Each Zoom command increases or decreases the zoom level by 20 percent.

When you adjust the zoom level with the View > Zoom In / Out commands, the zoom level is persisted in the window.zoomLevel setting. The default value is 0 and each increment/decrement changes the zoom level by 20 percent.

Some features, such as folding and minimap (code overview), are disabled when in screen reader mode. You can control whether VS Code uses screen reader mode with the Editor: Accessibility Support setting (editor.accessibilitySupport) and the values are on, off, or the default auto that automatically detects a screen reader through querying the platform.

I have been able to obtain json response from my zoom account but how can i create zoom meeting, start meeting, obtain some other information from zoom such as list of meetings, modify meeting.

my platform is php laravel. Please I would appreciate example(s)

Hi @zoomema2020

Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community!

Here is a sample app created by one of my colleagues where you can see how you can create access tokens with a Server to Server Oauth app and also some routes included:


Users are running into Error Code: 29 when trying to join a zoom meeting. The zoom meetings are created via the api and the hosts in these cases are zoom rooms. I have been unable to find anything around that error code and what it means.

Tips to Fix a Code 29 Error

Restart your computer.

Use System Restore to undo recent system changes.

Update drivers for hardware devices that might be related to the code 29 error.

Roll back your drivers.

Reinstall the device drivers.

Enable the hardware device in your system BIOS.

I pressed Ctrl + Capslock instead of Ctrl+Tab 4-5 times. Each time the font-size of the editor shrunk. I checked Settings -> Editor -> Font, but the problem was not from font-size, it's like a "zoom-out" thing. I tried sudo apt-get remove codeblocks and sudo apt-get install codeblocks but unfortunately it didn't reset the preferences. What can I do now?

It's just a zoom out shortcut. I was able to solve the problem by holding Ctrl and scrolling with the mouse wheel. Ctrl + Scroll Up to Zoom Out and Ctrl + Scroll Down to Zoom In.


I'm new to Godot and I'm currently taking a Udemy course on the basics.

I'm working on a Mac and while trying to type = (Shift+0), I accidentally pressed Cmd+0 and now the script window is zoomed out and I don't know how to zoom back in.

I'm aware that there probably isn't a lot of people who is running Godot on a Mac but I hope someone can help me because it's really frustrating to work with the small text.

I am attempting to create a zoom effect on an image when the cursor hovers over it. I have actually implemented this in another website, but the same code is not working for the website I am currently customizing. This is the code I am trying to use (for one image block):

@Ziggy Just to follow up on this, I tried using that code and just pasting the block instead of the section and for some reason it doesn't work. It works when it is for the entire section, but not just one singular block. Am I missing something? Here's what I'm using:

Zoom error code 1001 is a common issue that can occur when using an email address that is not associated with your organization's license. By following the solutions provided in this blog post - reconnecting with your organization's Zoom account, updating Zoom app, disabling antivirus software, and reinstalling Zoom - you should be able to fix the error and continue enjoying Zoom's features.

I guess the default setting on my new phone was not to let it zoom when I spread apart my thumb and pointer finger - so I thought I fixed it by adjusting the setting - turns out I zoomed the view as a default!!! how can I type in my password if when I move to the number I need it types it in but it's not the number I need? thanks in advance.

i got it by a miracle!!! the last number of my password only a smidge of the button in the very corner of the screen and i tapped it and it worked!! Then all i had to do was double tap three fingers to un-do the zoom. I am very thankful

I have the same error code on my 90 WR Date: 21 pictures taken, H3 error code then, impossible to take more photos. Only one picture is printed on the film, all other ones are black but with date printed (I have the date printer on the back).

I finally finished the zoom extension, which allows you to zoom in (and out, with the outside just being black) the screen! Also, thanks to Richard for helping with some debugging in this topic. This could be used to make some cool effects, as well as zoom in when action in your game gets intense! Also, gradual zoom effects will be added soon!

Basically, the number controls how big each pixel gets (e.g. if you set it to 2, each pixel becomes a 2x2 pixel, zooming into the center of the screen.) If you put a variable for the zoom value and run it on game update, you can change that variable slowly for smooth zooming! I also have a demo where pressing up/down will change how zoomed in the screen is!

Ctrl-Alt-Drag (actually just Ctrl-Drag) will create more space in a block diagram or front panel pushing items down and to the right based on the size of the rectangle you drag out. This is not the same as zooming.

There's a Navigation Window pick in the View menu (Ctrl+Shift+N) that'll give you a zoomed-out view. This is useful when you're sure there's a control somewhere, but just don't know where it is. OpenG has a Bird's Eye View tool that isn't working for me right now...

If your block diagram is becoming "too big" then that's usually a sign that your code structure needs to be improved. Perhaps you are not using subVIs as much as you should, or perhaps you may have Rube Goldberg code.

If you have free floating text notes, they may get moved from where you intended. It isn't always perfect, but does a good job in trying to straighten things out. I would recommend that anyone on the forum who opens up the ugly code of a user to make some modification to try to run this first before modifying, resaving, and posting it back to the forum. You know it when you see those diagrams that have wires running in every direction with 20 bends in them.

All Daley Center (50 W. Washington, Chicago, IL) cases are by zoom until further notice. Even though your case will be heard by zoom, you must treat it as seriously as if it were an in-person court date. Scroll down for all the login codes and passwords.

You can change the zoom level in the Editor, Live Editor, and Help browser. To zoom in and out, hold the Ctrl key and move the scroll wheel. On macOS systems, use the Command key instead.

Specify the font size for code and text programmatically using settings. For example, this code changes the code font size in the Live Editor.s = settings;s.matlab.fonts.editor.code.Size.TemporaryValue = '26pt'For more information, see matlab.fonts Settings.

Specify the font name and style for code and text programmatically using settings. For example, this code changes the font name and style of normal text in the Live Editor.s = settings;s.matlab.fonts.editor.normal.Name.PersonalValue = 'Calibri';s.matlab.fonts.editor.normal.Style.PersonalValue = {'bold'};For more information, see matlab.fonts Settings.

On the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Preferences. Select MATLAB > Fonts and, in the Desktop code font section, select a font name and style.

By default, the code font is set to monospaced to preserve vertical alignment. When the font is set to monospaced, the actual displayed font in the Editor is different than the font displayed in the Command Window and Command History. This is because monospaced is a logical font, not a physical font. To avoid this discrepancy, specify the font name as a physical font, for example, Courier New.

The non-standard zoom CSS property can be used to control the magnification level of an element. transform: scale() should be used instead of this property, if possible. However, unlike CSS Transforms, zoom affects the layout size of the element.

Do not (de)magnify this element if the user applies non-pinch-based zooming (e.g. by pressing Ctrl - - or Ctrl + + keyboard shortcuts) to the document. Do not use this value, use the standard unset value instead.

Hello so I've recently finished building my website and now I've noticed the product image whenever I click to zoom it occupies the whole screen and I don't want it to happen could someone help code wise? Thank you e24fc04721

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