Also, you can exchange key or shortcut to arbitrary unicode text sequence. For example, you can exchange the letter H for the text Hello!. When you press the H key, Hello! will be inserted. Similarly, you can exchange shortcut key Ctrl+G for some text (e.g. Hello from shortcut!) and that text will be inserted on Ctrl+G.

PowerToys Keyboard Manager must be enabled (with PowerToys running in the background) for remapped keys and shortcuts to be applied. If PowerToys is not running, key remapping will no longer be applied.

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For example, in the Outlook email app the shortcut Ctrl+E is set by default to search for an email. If you prefer instead to set Ctrl+F to search your email (rather than forward an email as set by default), you can remap the shortcut with "Outlook" set as your "Target app".

But more to the point, since the OP asked how to switch between multiple windows of the same application, here's where this keyboard shortcut gets really useful. To refine what I said earlier, Windows + number brings up the first instance of the application. But holding the Windows key brings up a list of windows of that application. (Similar to when you mouse over the grouped icons of an application in the taskbar.) Continuing to type Windows + number scrolls through that list.

For example, I earlier said I have Chrome tied to Windows + 1. More specifically, I always make sure that my gmail and calendar are in the first window of Chrome, so that Windows + 1 always jumps right to my email. But if I want to cycle through any of my other Chrome windows, I just keep the Windows pressed down and keep typing Windows + 1.

UPDATE Jan/2019: The above Windows + Ctrl + number shortcut appears to have been removed in Windows 10, starting from either version 1803 or 1809. I'll update this answer if I figure out a way to re-enable this shortcut. See , where there seems to be consensus that this is a bug, not a feature removal. Hopefully that answer will contain useful information if I forget to come back and update this one.

Please note that this answer was originally written when I was using Windows 7, but these shortcuts are also applicable according to Windows 8 and 10. See -us/help/12445/windows-keyboard-shortcuts for an explanation of the shortcuts in all three of those versions of Windows. That link also explains Shift and Alt key variations which you may also find useful, so I recommend taking a look at it.

With AHK I have one button to switch between the current active application. And other dedicated buttons to switch to FireFox, Outlook, Excel and Notepad++. f1+F (or whatever shortcut you pick) is more memorable for me than windows+number to switch to Firefox.

I think we can export registerShortcut() generally. Not every shortcut needs to be bound to an UI element.

Maybe we could export new functions over the anki module exclusively though, making that transition smoother.

Dear user, the methods discussed in the article works well for every iPhone. However, the PowerUtil shortcut takes a while in getting accustomed to your device. Give it time and the process should comply with your iPhone as well.

IntelliJ IDEA does not have an action to add imports. Rather it has the ability to do such as you type. If you enable the "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" in Settings > Editor > General > Auto Import, IntelliJ IDEA will add them as you type without the need for any shortcuts. You can also add classes and packages to exclude from auto importing to make a class you use heavily, that clashes with other classes of the same name, unambiguous.

In the Shortcuts app, shortcuts are optionally synced across Apple devices using iCloud. Shortcuts can also be shared with other users through iCloud. Shortcuts are stored locally in an encrypted format.

Custom shortcuts can also run user-specified JavaScript on websites in Safari when invoked from the share sheet. To protect against malicious JavaScript that, for example, tricks the user into running a script on a social media website that harvests their data, the JavaScript is validated against the aforementioned malware definitions. The first time a user runs JavaScript on a domain, the user is prompted to allow shortcuts containing JavaScript to run on the current webpage for that domain.

If, for some reason, you do need to run a 32-bit instance of PowerShell, you can invoke pnputil.exe by its full path:

It only exists as a 64-bit executable in the 64-bit system folder, which 32-bit processes can access as C:\Windows\SysNative:

If you are using Sierra OS then you can voice activate it through Siri "Turn on bluetooth", or off for that matter. You had the option to set the keyboard shortcut when you installed Sierra. Otherwise control and space is the default/or via Spotlight.

If you are attempting to reinstall OSX from boot media, and your Bluetooth wasn't enabled at the start (still an issue with Mountain Lion Recovery media), Ctrl + fn + F2 gets you to the menus at the top (as described many other places), which contain other useful utilities, like Terminal.

I'm lucky that my mouse was immediately recognized (I'm sure there's ways to delve further once this has been stirred), allowing me to click things which were otherwise completely stymied (like "install"), through one short terminal command: blued . The Bluetooth daemon kicked up and gave MAC addresses for probably two devices I have currently battery powered, and around. Hope that helps others, rather than forcing us all to get/keep USB wired mice around, dust free, and in workable condition.

Other extraneous USB pointing devices failed where this method succeeded for me. The computer I am working with has a fully powered and interactive Wacom Bamboo tablet-- this doesn't get anyone anywhere since I'm sure drivers aren't included/loaded at the point I found myself.

GPU Voltage Control is set to automatic by default. When set to Manual mode it provides the option to set the amount of voltage applied to the GPU per clock state. This can help to stabilize the GPU when increasing clock frequency but will require more power and generate more heat, potentially resulting in higher fan speeds and fan noise.

In the Shortcuts tab all key combinations are listed. You may change them there or add your own custom shortcut. To have the poweroff shortcut back add it with a custom shortcut for the following command:

Phrases : Example 5  

Let us suppose you want your abbreviation to work only in one application. This can be achieved using "Window Filter". Let us take an example. You want akr to be expanded in Gedit only. Notice that any document (new or existing) opened in Gedit ends with the word gedit. We will use that as our filter. To achieve that , select the phrase and click on "Set" near "Window Filter". Enter ".*gedit" as the filter. There are two things to note here . 

a) The filter is actually a regular expression which has lot of expressive power. 

b) The regular expression must match the whole window name. Just having "gedit" will not match a gedit window.

Scripts : Example 4  

There are lot of interesting ways to use the full power of Python. Some clever usage can be seen at Favorite scripts 1 , and Favorite scripts 2 .

Scripts : Example 5  

AutoKey has a powerful API to control windows, clipboard, mouse etc. For eg, you make a particular window come to foreground (see window.activate) , get the selected text, get contents of clipboard, add a text to clipboard etc. You can check the AutoKey API reference. You can also check out some sample scripts .

By creating a Desktop shortcut you can very easily launch the Software from your Desktop. Apart from creating a Shortcut for Powering Off your Display, you can create Desktop shortcuts for various other functions like Shutdown Computer, Restart Computer, Log off the signed on User, etc. Follow the below steps to create a Desktop Shortcut to Turn Off Monitor.

Note: On successful installation, the Turn Off Monitor Installer also creates a Desktop shortcut to turn off your Monitor by default. You can just double click on the shortcut that is created and your monitor will be Switched Off.

Given below procedure outlines the procedure to Turn Off Monitor with a Keyboard Shortcut. Pressing a Keyboard key is an easy way to Switch Off your Monitor without spending efforts to locate and launch the Desktop Shortcut to Turn Off Monitor. You can configure your own key to perform the action. Below are the steps to create a Keyboard shortcut or a Hot Key to Turn Off the Monitor easily.

You can even Drag the Turn Off Monitor Shortcut in the Taskbar to Left or to the Right. To unpin the Turn Off Monitor Shortcut, right click on the shortcut and select unpin from taskbar.

Apple's Shortcuts, formerly Workflow, is an iOS app that streamlines your processes. With Shortcuts, you can set up actions to trigger other apps, for instance, send a message to someone when you open Facebook. Though Shortcuts has seen improvements in some areas after updating to iOS 16 or 17, it is not an entirely bug-free application. Similar to other Apple features, Shortcuts also had its fair share of bugs. iPhone users are most likely to encounter a crash or a "no shortcut in use" error. This guide will be of great help to you if you are in a similar situation. Keep reading to find out the answer "Why are my shortcuts not working on my iPhone" and how to get it to work again.

For an iPhone X, iPhone 11, iPhone 12, or iPhone 13,

  Press and hold both the Power button and either of the Volume buttons. 

  When the power off slider appears, drag it to the right until the screen goes dark. 

  After 30 odd seconds, your iPhone will switch off completely. Press and hold the Power button until the Apple logo appears. e24fc04721

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