
Journal Publications

16. Z. Guo, N. Zuchowicz, J. Bouwmeester, A. S. Joshi, A. Neisch, K. Smith, J. Daly, M. L. Etheridge, E. B. Finger, S. B. Kodandaramaiah, T. Hays, M. Hagedorn, J. C. Bischof, "Conduction-Dominated Cryomesh for Organism Vitrification", Advanced Science, 11(3), 2303317 (2024).

News by Reuters highlighted the application for coral larvae cryopreservation.

15D. Boylan, D. Monga, Z. Guo, P.S. Dosawada, L. Shan, P. Wang, X. Dai, "Patterned Quasi‐Liquid Surfaces for Condensation of Low Surface Tension Fluids", Advanced Functional Materials, 2400194 (2024).

14.  J. Sarma, D. Monga, Z. Guo, F. Chen, X. Dai, "Coarsening droplets for frosting delay on hydrophilic slippery liquid‐infused porous surfaces", Droplet, e106 (2024).

13. T. Xiang, X. Chen, Z. Guo, J. Wang, L. Cui, Y. Qiang, S. Zhang, "Robust solid slippery surface for anti-corrosion: Experimental and simulation", Progress in Organic Coatings, 188, 108250 (2024).

12. Z. Guo, D. Monga, L. Shan, D. Boylan, and X. Dai, "Coarsening-Induced Disappearing Droplets Contribute to Condensation", Droplet, 1(2), 170-181 (2022). 

News by Prof. Nenad Miljkovic (DOI: 10.1002/dro2.26).

11.  Z. Guo, D. Boylan, L. Shan, and X. Dai, "Hydrophilic Reentrant SLIPS Enabled Flow Separation for Rapid Water Harvesting", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(36), e2209662119 (2022). [Direct Submission]

10. Z. Guo, L. Zhang, D. Monga, H.A. Stone, X. Dai, "Hydrophilic Slippery Surface Enabled Coarsening Effect for Rapid Water Harvesting", Cell Reports Physical Science, 2(4), 100387 (2021). (Highly cited paper of Cell Reports Physical Science in 2021)

9. L. Shan, Z. Guo, D. Monga, D. Boylan, X. Dai, "Microchannels-Elevated Micromembranes for Sustainable Phase-Separation Condensation", Joule, 7(1), 168-182 (2023).

8. D. Boylan, D. Monga, L. Shan, and Z. Guo*, X. Dai*, "Pushing the Limit of Beetle-Inspired Condensation on Biphilic Quasi-Liquid Surfaces", Advanced Functional Materials, 2211113 (2023).

7. D. Monga, Z. Guo, A. Taba, J. Sarma, X. Dai, "Sustainable High-Performance Dropwise Condensation on Quasi-Liquid Surface with Tunable Wettability", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(11), 13932-13941 (2022).

6. J. Sarma, L. Zhang, Z. Guo, X. Dai, "Sustainable Icephobicity on Durable Quasi-Liquid Surface", Chemical Engineering Journal, 431, 133475 (2022).

5. L. Zhang, Z. Guo, J. Sarma, W. Zhao, X. Dai, "Gradient Quasi-Liquid Surface Enabled Self-Propulsion of Highly Wetting Liquids", Advanced Functional Materials, 31(13), 2008614 (2021).

4. J. Sarma, Z. Guo, X. Dai, "Bioinspired photocatalytic hedgehog coating for super liquid repellency", Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 5, 4174-4181 (2021).

3. L. Zhang, Z. Guo, J. Sarma, X. Dai, "Passive removal of highly wetting liquids and ice on quasi-liquid surfaces", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(17), 20084-20095 (2020).

2. K. Egab, M. Alwazzan, B. Peng, S.K. Oudah, Z. Guo, X. Dai, J. Khan, C. Li, "Enhancing filmwise and dropwise condensation using a hybrid wettability contrast mechanism: Circular patterns", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 154, 119640 (2020).

1. T. Xiang, Y. Han, Z. Guo, R. Wang, S. Zheng, S. Li, C. Li, X. Dai, "Fabrication of Inherent Anticorrosion Superhydrophobic Surfaces on Metals", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6, 5598-5606 (2018).


2.    Z. Guo, M. Etheridge, N. Zuchowicz, J. Bischof, “Methods and systems for cryopreservation of biosystems using a cryomesh”, Application Serial No. 63/431,241. (2022, Pending)

1.  L. Zhang, J. Sarma, Z. Guo, X. Dai, “A semiliquid surface with liquid and solid repellence”, PCT/US2020/036755, 2020.