More Weapons

Slash, Stab, and BONK

After some more discussions with my friend Daniel, so far the idea is like this:

I'll have 6 weapons so far, 3 light weapons and 3 heavy weapons each using one of these damage types: slash, stab, blunt. 

What's the difference between these types? Well so far I haven't had this thought out 100% so the idea may shift a little as I progress, and those changes will be reflected on here. But so far how I imagine this would be, different types of damage would be buffed by your different fight styles: 

Plan for implementation (Weapons)

While this is a long-term project for me personally, it's also part of my presentation to the CRCP Capstone, so I'll need some clear deadlines. As a baseline, I plan on having these implemented before the final checkpoint:

Designing The Weapons

Starting from what I'm planning on to implement before April,