Shipyard For Random Ideas 

What Is This

This is where I drop random ideas that's been coming up to me, some may be in English, some are in Chinese, and some of them may be nonsense. Not all my ideas will be implemented, but most of them will be tested, tempted and a few of them may actually make it to the live game after I find the time and put in the effort to consolidate them. 

Story/Concept Remake: Fishcake And TakeOut Seafood Store

In this alternate version of my story, our main character "old man", or named Chef, is a "Fishcake": a member of the fish society that provides all the basic/lowly service, or we could consider them as "artificial lives" or "flesh golems 血肉傀儡" in fish term. A fishcake is made of spare parts of fish people, therefore they are usually avoided and looked down by most of the fishman citizens, even respected less than the common "walkers". 

Chef runs a sushi "takeout" business. A business that helps the client "take out" the assigned target (usually fishman), and serves seafood dishes with the target as main ingredient. 

Although the "primal one" (the first tiktaalik that walks on the land) who overrules this world claims that the society functions perfectly, it actually relies on businesses like Chef's takeout service to do all the dirty jobs to keep different schools (factions) of fish in check. Takeout orders are usually made through the internet, then the food will be delivered to the person (or the client will stop by the store and dine in, if I would have the time and effort to visualize all these) 

And yes, secretly fish don't always give a muck about ethics or morals of feasting on a fellow sentient fishman. This is sort of like the worldbuilding in Beastar, that many carnivore fish people do secretly enjoy a good set of seafood cuisines. 


Worldbuilding: Theory of Rebirth

I believe it's necessary to give the player a more well thought story on "how do I respawn" in this game, rather than just popping the player out of nowhere after every death. 

Therefore, here's the idea: the old man's whole body buildup is not actually of human flesh, but a of a twisted attempt to reconstruct humanoid soldier off of tissues of the fish people. 

Every time the player respawns from "his" base, the player's body is actually reconstructed from the default material "bland fish sauce", which allows the player to be put into action again no matter what. 

However, this bland version of "him" lacks of anything special, no upgrades, no attachments, no weapons, just a naked (soon clothed) guy with a kitchen knife (it never runs out because it's sponsored by a mysterious organization, so is the outfit of our guy). 

So what could the player do if they don't want to respawn empty handed? The answer is that they can find some ways to craft weapons and upgrade body with materials. That leads to some questions:

And some of the attachments aren't consumable. for example:

Old Man and the Shadow Over Innsmouth

As I continued working on the game, updating the animations and move-sets, I came across a struggle: I couldn't stop making parallels to games like Ultrakill or Turbo Overkill, where the main character is also some kind of hyper-mobile robot/cyborg assassin who runs around the map with a ridiculous movement speed while gunning monsters down. And this really bothers me. 

Not only I was trying to not falling into the trap of "hey this feature looks cool in the game so let's add it in", but also I want to make something that would fit better with the melee combat nature of Momentum, which I would say might require something more grim, comical, or even ridiculous than what I have right now. Therefore I decided to shift an angle of this development towards adding new weapons & combat patterns, along with new enemies and maps that fit into a theme that could potentially fit better to what I was trying to make. 

After a long discussion with my friend Daniel on a Thursday night, we went from talking about what we really liked from Ultrakill and Turbo to what I want for this game, and eventually I thought that it would be cool to draw some inspiration from my favorite horror genre: Lovecraftian horror, mix in a little bit of post-apocalyptic sci-fi, a little bit of Bloodborne, and a little bit of crazy nonsense... And yeah we're keeping the grappling hook mechanics. In combine, I have this imagery in mind: 

In the future where the deep ones (humanoid beings with fish, human and amphibian-like traits) have invaded the land, a deranged old fisherman/sushi chef, wearing a VR goggle to keeps the remaining of his sanity in check, slash his way through waves of land-walking fish monsters with his strange weapons/tools. 

above image from JayShellingArt: 

below image is generated with DALL-E 2