General Troubleshooting

Things to Notice When Porting From Blender to Unreal

Conversion From Blender To Unreal Engine

Mixed shader in Blender DOES NOT apply to the model when exporting as FBX

Reworked the entire material of Kassadin Sword on UE, will simplify material if required (performance) 

Comparison between old(left) version on Blender and new(right) version in UE. Yes I do sometimes prefer the style on the left but hey it is what it is. The new version kind of gives us the "pre-rework Kassadin" feel.

Check Out This Object

Exporting FBX Animation From Blender Settings:

On the right is the current setting I'm using when exporting models from Blender to Unreal Engine, source below: 


Exporting rig from Blender to UE5

Side Note: how to not export EVERY ACTION from blender

Uncheck this circled option when exporting (under animation) 

To Fix SDK Error (source)

online resource

Render Pictures/Videos

online resource