

Xiao Li*, Yi Zhou*, Ruibin Guo, Xin Peng, Zongtan Zhou, Huimin Lu

Spatio-Temporal Calibration for Omni-Directional Vehicle-Mounted Event Cameras

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2024) (*equal contribution)

[pdf] [video] [code]

Yi Zhou, Guillermo Gallego, Xiyuan Lu, Siqi Liu and Shaojie Shen

Event-based Motion Segmentation with Spatio-Temporal Graph Cuts

IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2023)

[pdf] [project page] [code]

Yi Zhou,  Guillermo Gallego, and Shaojie Shen 

Event-based Stereo Visual Odometry

IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2021) 

[pdf] [project page] [code]

Yi Zhou, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li 

Canny-VO: Visual Odometry With RGB-D Cameras Based on Geometric 3-D–2-D Edge Alignment

IEEE Transactions on Robotics ( Volume: 35, Issue: 1, Feb. 2019)

[pdf] [CannySLAM Video]


Xiuyuan Lu*, Yi Zhou*, Junkai Niu, Sheng Zhong, Shaojie Shen 

(*equal contribution)

Event-based Visual Inertial Velometer 

Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS 2024). 

[pdf] [video]

Junkai Niu, Sheng Zhong, Yi Zhou

IMU-Aided Event-based Stereo Visual Odometry

The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) .

[pdf] [code]

Yi Zhou, Guillermo Gallego, Henri Rebecq, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li, and Davide Scaramuzza. 

Semi-dense 3D reconstruction with a stereo event camera

In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pp. 235-251. 2018.

[pdf] [code]

Yi Zhou, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li

Semi-Dense Visual Odometry for RGB-D Cameras Using Approximate Nearest Neighbour Fields

The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).

[pdf] [Video] 

Yi Zhou, Laurent Kneip, Cristian Rodriguez, Hongdong Li

Divide and Conquer: Effcient Density-Based Tracking of 3D Sensors in Manhattan Worlds

The 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2016), Oral presentation

[PDF] [Supplementary Material] [Video1] [Video2] [Sample Code]

Yi Zhou, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li

Real Time Rotation Estimation for Dense Depth Senors in Piece-wise Planar Environments

Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on

[PDF] [Video]

Yi Zhou, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li

A Revisit of Methods for Determining the Fundamental Matrix with Planes

Digital lmage Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2015 International Conference on (DICTA2015)

Note: The proof of the property 1 in this version is a little bit different from the conference version.

[PDF] [Code]

Laurent Kneip,Yi Zhou, Hongdong Li

SDICP: Semi-Dense Tracking based on Iterative Closest Points


[PDF] [SDICP(BMVC)] [Video]

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