Neck Pain

You're aware of the proverb, "It's a pain in the neck"? After having neck pain for a while, you realize how crucial it is to discover Irvine top chiropractor. Even the smallest movements involving the neck, head, arms, shoulders, and back can be extremely difficult when you have neck pain. Headaches, stiffness in the upper body, and sore muscles can all be caused by neck issues. Because of the immobility brought on by neck pain, the muscles may eventually deteriorate and become weak.

Understanding the cause of your neck discomfort is important in order to get the treatment that will help you recover both quickly and permanently. The reasons of neck pain are examined in the next article, along with how Irvine chiropractic care can be a helpful complement to traditional therapies.

Treatment for neck pain in Irvine

Although the neck is a small region of the body, it is made up of intricate structures that play a crucial role in supporting your head up. Although the neck's tiny vertebrae allow for a great deal of mobility, they can also render the neck more prone to pain and damage. Neck pain can have a variety of causes, such as:

  • Injuries like whiplash

  • Slumber position

  • Bad posture

  • Recurring stress

  • Abnormalities in the structure of the bones

  • Joint problems

  • Pulls and stretches muscles

The alignment of the spine either contributes to or is impacted by the majority of these problems. The spine is wrenched out of position when neck muscles go into spasm. The nerves get inflamed and produce further strain and other systemic issues when the spine is out of alignment. Because every nerve in the body originates in the spinal column, problems with the neck can have a significant effect on every other system.

In Irvine, many people allow spinal issues to persist untreated. They believe that the pain will simply go away if they wait long enough. While the issue may occasionally disappear, the misalignment that gave rise to it is frequently still present. The discomfort may worsen over time in that place and come back. If the issue is not resolved, it could get much worse. Some people wait until they may have no other choice than to undergo surgery.

Conventional vs Holistic Treatments

Most frequently, patients turn to over-the-counter or prescription drugs to treat their neck pain. Short-term symptom relief may result from this, but patients must also deal with side effects and the failure to address the root cause. Over time, massage therapy has gained in popularity and may be able to aid with some muscle tension. The condition will continue if the bones or joints are involved.

Chiropractic care is a comprehensive method that deals with the structural issue that causes the majority of neck pain. A customized recovery plan is created after a thorough chiropractic evaluation to rule out other problems and identify the precise cause of the issue. The neck and the entire body can experience immediate comfort and long-term health benefits from gentle spinal adjustments. Set up a consultation with our staff at Zen Care Physical Medicine right away to put a stop to your neck pain.