Back Pain

Many people in Irvine and across the world constantly deal with back pain, particularly lower back discomfort. To some extent, chiropractors have traditionally been referred to as "back pain physicians," and while they are capable of treating a far wider range of conditions, this nickname is undoubtedly accurate. In order to permanently relieve back pain, our Irvine chiropractic office offers a variety of personalized therapies in addition to chiropractic care.

Few Facts Relating To Back Pain

There are around 31 million Americans who suffer from back discomfort, according to one estimate.

Here are some additional intriguing statistics that highlight how serious the issue is:

In a 2010 research titled Global Burden of Disease, lower back pain was identified as the primary global cause of disability.

Back discomfort is the second most prevalent reason for doctor visits, behind upper respiratory tract infections, and one of the most frequent causes of missed work days.

All working Americans report having symptoms of back discomfort 50% of the time.

The majority of back pain instances are caused by mechanical factors, not by underlying medical conditions.

According to estimates, Americans spend $50 billion on back discomfort.

According to some experts, up to 80% of people will suffer from back discomfort at some point in their lives.

What Makes My Back Pain?

There are many different potential reasons of back discomfort. Strains and other injuries that cause back pain are frequent because the body's complex structure requires the cooperation of so many muscles, bones, ligaments, and joints. Back discomfort can be brought on by incorrect lifting, bad posture, stress, being overweight, a previous sports injury, or a car accident. Back discomfort can also result from diseases that start in certain internal organs, as well as from conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis.

Chiropractic To The Rescue

Numerous types of back pain can be safely and successfully treated with chiropractic care. You will have more mobility and fewer flare-ups if you receive the right chiropractic care for your back discomfort. Eliminating the negative effects of prescription painkillers is a welcome benefit for many individuals who never ever thought about it. While the majority of traditional treatments target the symptoms, chiropractic care focuses on the underlying causes of the back pain. You might feel better if you merely address the symptom or the pain, but whatever is causing that pain will still be present.

Reputable chiropractors will also advise you on lifestyle modifications that can help stop your back discomfort from recurring. Maintaining a healthy weight is one of them, as are avoiding prolonged sitting, staying active throughout your life, drinking plenty of water, donning low-heeled shoes, extending your body, and adopting good posture. Back discomfort should be history if you take care of yourself and get top-notch chiropractic therapy.

Our staff at Zen Care Physical Medicine is here to assist with your inquiries. Feel free to get in touch with us right now.