Joint Pain Relief

Many Americans accept joint pain as a natural aspect of aging or link it to a past injury that hasn't healed, believing that this kind of discomfort is common. Yet it isn't.

But why put up with joint pain when there's an easy fix that would restore your mobility? Why accept joint pain as a natural part of aging when, in fact, it is caused by misaligned bones, tendons, and joints rather than by becoming older?

Knee pain, elbow discomfort, wrist pain, and other types of joint pain have all been successfully treated with chiropractic care.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments, which serve to realign the ligaments, tendons, and bones to their right positions and so permit nerve flow energy to flow properly again without hindrances, can be used to alleviate joint pain brought on by rheumatoid arthritis, for instance.

A well-aligned structure does give the body time to heal inflammation, permit nerves to function fully again, give the patient the ability to move and promote blood flow, which is the key to getting permanent healing. Joint adjustments can similarly quickly relieve tension and promote wellness in that area.

The chiropractors at Zen Care Physical Medicine, an Irvine clinic that specializes in Chiropractic BioPhysics, or CBP, have a lot of experience with treating joint pain and can work with a variety of patients suffering from a variety of joint pain disorders to encourage healing and comfort.

Chiropractic BioPhysics goes much beyond traditional chiropractic. Although the basic idea is the same, the CBP technique emphasizes long-term healing as opposed to immediate comfort.

Due to the need for many more sessions to effectively address the pain's fundamental causes and ensure that the patient receives lasting relief, the course of therapy differs as a result.

Patients can expect their problem to be resolved in a period of 1 to 3 months depending on the degree of the joint pain through adjustments, exercises, and other types of treatment. Patients can start experiencing benefits after just one session.

Therefore, if you or a member of your family is experiencing joint discomfort, please get in touch with Irvine Chiropractic immediately to learn more about our special treatment plan and to start your path to better health.