
Join the Cruz-Monserrate Lab Team

Our Team consists of experts in cancer biology, molecular biology, and mouse modeling of pancreatic diseases.

Our Mission is to work collaboratively to prevent, detect, and treat pancreatic diseases using novel alternative interventions which include changes in diet and exercise.

To accomplish our mission, we promote an environment of teamwork and training for all team members at every stage of their careers.

We actively recruit team members, including exceptional graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and clinical fellows for projects in the following areas:

· Pancreas Cancer and Pancreatitis Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment.

· Role of Obesity in Cancer

· Role of Exercise in Cancer

A number of research projects are available in our group. Potential applicants should be highly motivated and passionate to join a team of researchers interested in discovering ways to help patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

Postdoctoral Research Opportunities

Applicants should have:

  • Experience in a relevant research area.

  • Strong publication record.

  • Be competitive for external fellowship awards.

Contact Dr. Cruz-Monserrate directly by e-mail if you are interested and include:

    1. Curriculum vitae

    2. A statement of career goals

    3. Outline some research ideas you see yourself pursuing in the laboratory.

In addition to the above, also submit your application via this link

Contact Dr. Cruz-Monserrate directly with materials

Graduate Student Opportunities

Potential students should have a strong interest in pursuing a career in research and be competitive for scholarships. A number of research projects are available in our group. Students interested in our laboratory should stop by the lab, or contact Dr. Cruz-Monserrate directly by e-mail.

Dr. Cruz-Monserrate is affiliated to the following PhD Graduate Programs at OSU:

Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Nutrition (OSUN)

The Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BSGP)

The Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) program

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Various opportunities for potential funding are available to our OSU undergraduates.

Undergraduates interested in our laboratory are welcome throughout the year, depending on space and COVID-19 institutional regulations.

To be considered follow these instructions:

Contact Dr. Cruz-Monserrate directly by e-mail. Your email request subject title should include "Your Name + Undergraduate Research Intern Candidate"

The body of the email should state your current and future areas of research interests AND answers to the listed questions below.

1. How many hours a week can you dedicate to the laboratory? How flexible are your hours during the week?

2. What motivates you to pursue a biomedical research opportunity?

3. Why are you interested in joining The Cruz-Monserrate laboratory research group?

4. Do you have bench laboratory research experience? If so explain

5. Do you have prior scientific writing experience? If so explain

6. List the names and contact information of 2+ references who could be contacted.

7. Attached your CV (Curriculum Vitae), Biosketch, or resume.

If selected you will receive a reply from me to meet for an initial interview with one of The Cruz-Monserrate laboratory members. After the interview, my team and I will discuss and you will be contacted with further details on how to proceed.