

Shuffle chests

Allows all chests to be shuffled anywhere, excluding small keys.

Shuffle heart pieces

Shuffles 9 out of the 12 heart pieces with a random rupee, seashell or bomb chest. The only hearts not shuffled are the one from the fishing game and the two you dive into deep water to get (for now).

Shuffle seashell requirement

The seashell mansion will require anywhere from 11 to 22 seashells to complete.

Upgrade chest rupees

Each rupee amount from a chest has been upgraded to the next state. [20 -> 50 -> 100 -> 200]


Shuffle shop items

Randomizes the items at the shop.

Shuffle shop prices

Randomizes the prices at the shop.

No stealing from shop

Adds a barrier in the shop that prevents the ability to steal an item under normal conditions.

New chests

Replace sword with chest (+1)

Replaces the sword on the beach with a chest containing the sword. Allows the sword to be shuffled with shuffle chests.

Add chest in start house (+1)

Adds a chest in Marin's house with 20 rupees. Originally used to guarantee at least one chest to be accessible during randomization to continue progress.

Add chest in color dungeon (+1)

Replaces the rupee room in color dungeon with a chest containing 200 rupees. This prevents an infinite money farm.

Add new chest above castle (+1)

Adds a new cave above the castle via swimming. (This room was hidden from the original game.)

Add overworld key chests (+3)

Adds three chests. One where the bird key was. One above the master armos room (Face key). One below lanmola's room (Anglar key).

Replace hidden seashells as chests (+16)

Replaces all hidden overworld seashells with a chest containing the seashell.

Replace castle diving heart with chest (+1)

Replaces diving heart piece below the castle with a chest.