Change Log

v0.50+ Beta (May, 24, 2020 and onwards)

Z4Randomizer has moved to the web!

The conversion from Delphi to JavaScript was done within two to three months, and has all the features that v0.36 had and more! Check out the flags section to see all the new things that have been changed or added!

v0.36 Beta (July 9, 2018)

Uploaded the final desktop version that used Delphi as the programming language.

Fixed a bunch of issues.

All seeds have been beatable one way or another.

v0.22 Beta (Jan 9, 2018)


    • Shop disallowed in original D3
    • Removed Manbo's cave from the well.
    • Added hookshot requirement for D7 chest with the horseheads after the boss key door
    • Original Dungeon 7's overworld entrance should shuffle correctly (without needing to leave the screen and come back).
    • Mansion no longer gives you an extra sword if you already have one.
    • Logic check added: Need to transform racoon Tarin before learning Song 1
    • Logic check added: Need bombs and sword for Master Stalfos
    • Logic check added: Added various items required for various minibosses


    • Remove chest dialog flag
    • Added hover hints to each checkbox on the randomizer.


    • Shuffle heart containers shuffles hearts at a 75% chance instead of 100%.
    • Removed overworld keys from dungeons.
    • Added color dungeon to the chest shuffle (currently there's only one possible chest)
    • Carry more than 999 rupees. Thousands place currently does not show.
    • Looked into randomizing water heart cave (added a walking tile...thats it for now, code is oddly annoying for this room)

v0.21 Beta (Dec 22, 2017)


    • ROM v1.2's shuffle heart containers was fixed. ROMs should blow up less upon start.

v0.20 (Dec 18, 2017)


    • Events - Spawn chest, drop small key and unlock doors now have all bosses and mini-bosses included correctly (I hope).
    • Piece of Power flashing sword sprite no longer appears on the item that is the sword in fun %. (thanks spaceotter)
    • Replaced medicine chests with bomb chests to prevent Marin from hard-locking at the beach.
    • Kiki the monkey was having some logic issues.


    • Added more rupee buffers to trendy and shop.
    • More music added to the shuffle music flag (not sure if this was a good idea...)

Things you don't care about

    • Renamed constants
    • Ability to filter sprites on visualizer
    • Ability to remove map on visualizer
    • Ability to remove sprites from visualizer
    • Ability to remove dungeon locations from visualizer
    • Sprites drawn separately from map
    • Dungeons drawn separately from map
    • Added a way to print graphics to file
    • Get sprite count feature
    • Rolling bone's pillar is extended in sprites.

v0.19 (Dec 10, 2017)


    • Logic was not checking for power bracelet to push the color dungeon grave, which led to some unbeatable seeds. Corrected.
    • Dungeon 8 doors re-lock some dungeon 3 key doors. Removed a key door after the first staircase in dungeon 3 (north) and removed its small key event. Also removed the key door to the right of the staircase of dungeon 3, but only on the other side (normally you would never see it).
    • Power Bracelet L-2 and Mirror Shield chests should now appear correctly...I hope.

Added Flags

    • Blackout - Dungeons graphics are mainly blacked out. Not as bad as Zelda 1, but it's something.
    • Remove rooster cave pit transitions - They now transition by default, though the logic does not check for it.
    • Add new cave above castle - This is an extra room in the game's data, but was left out from the final release. The new cave does not appear by default.
    • Add more seashells - This will replace eight 20 rupee chests with seashells.


    • Mambo's cave is now in the cave shuffle mix!
    • Fun % should now work in v1.0 (as much as it could for now)

v0.18 (Nov 25, 2017)

Fixed in v0.18 - Core - Instrument transitions sometimes take you to different areas.

Fixed in v0.18 - Arrow and shovel in shop had incorrect prices after you obtained the bow.

Fixed in v0.18 - Richard sprite in the basement has been corrected. (Thanks Jigglysaint)

Fixed in v0.18 - Heart containers should now reflect the players health correctly after a save and quit or death. (affects ROM v1.2 only)

Fixed in v0.18 - The chest tile has been fixed in the house submap.

Fixed in v0.18 - The mushroom sprite in the witch's house is now correct (Jigglysaint pointed me in the correct direction.)

Fixed in v0.18 - With short text on, the Dark Secrets book (path of the egg) will still display.

Fixed in v0.18 - Sword can not replace a flying item in the river rapids (will fix this later).

Fixed in v0.18 - Added extra logic to check if the player has boots to get the chest in D3 with the lone gel on the left side.

Changed in v0.18 - Removed the fix that makes the sword sprite always a sword sprite, regardless of the character's sword level status. This is because the shield and sword share the same sprite, and if the shield is eaten by a like-like, it will spit out a sword instead.

Changed in v0.18 - Like-likes can no longer eat shields for now.

Changed in v0.18 - The level 0 shield (the sword sprite if you happen to get another sword first) will only give you a shield but not update the shield level. It is possible to get a level 0 shield if you really try. Don't do it.

Changed in v0.18 - The sea orchan next to the sword is removed. The original sword sprite should now look graphically correct. (I'll dive into correct sprite graphics in the future)

Changed in v0.18 - The rooster can be acquired again after finishing D7. (Thanks spaceotter)

Added in v0.18 - Bombs were added to the 4th slot of the shop in swordless phase.

Added in v0.18 - Level 2 sword now puts a sword in your inventory if you don't already have one.

Added in v0.18 - In ROM v1.0, you can now warp back to the start house via the select map or the save and quit menu under a hidden 3rd option (arrow goes to the top of the screen).

Added in v0.18 - New flag: Fun %. Most item sprites will appear as one common sprite. Have fun figuring out what's what. (TODO: player's inventory items)

Added in v0.18 - New flag: Unique items can go anywhere. All chests items can be shuffled to any chest locations except for dungeon specific items: map, compass, owl beak, nightmare key, small key, hookshot note. Basically, dungeons can have any number of useful items from 0 to all of them (within the number of chests limitations).

Adding in v0.18 - New preset button: Standard. These flags are commonly played.


Allow sword in water spots without the sword drowning.

Fun % in player's inventory.

Correct the sprite that the sword gets replaced with, or completely remove the sprite swap and allow the sword anywhere.

Remove owl below the egg but still allow the bomb trigger. Bomb trigger allowed checkbox for that situation?

Fix chest graphics in Dungeon 6 power bracelet Lv2 chest and Dungeon 7 Mirror shield chest

v0.17 (Oct 29, 2017) - Actual debugging, a patch of un-soft-locking.

Changed in v0.17 - Softlock gone! The ghost is dead! The ghost should no longer spawn after finishing Dungeon 4.

Changed in v0.17 - Softlock gone! Having 6+ leaves, or getting a golden leaf after having the slime key, should no longer block you out of opening original Dungeon 3.

Changed in v0.17 - Softlock gone! Should be able to access original color dungeon grave transition, even with followers.

Changed in v0.17 - Softlock gone! Kiki the monkey will no longer fight bowwow or run away.

Changed in v0.17 - Softlock gone! Attempted to make no items can fall in the sand pit in Lanmola's room

Changed in v0.17 - Sword sprite should always give you the level 1 sword.

Changed in v0.17 - Rooster cave pits no longer transition you out [Thanks to Jigglysaint for the tip!]

Changed in v0.17 - Softlock gone! Implemented Spiraster's map warp to the start house. When on the map, press and hold start and B to warp back to the start. I am looking to add this functionality into the save and quit menu (functionality actually works, but presentation isn't there yet).

Changed in v0.17 - Added a new option to add overworld modifications. This includes more staircases on the overworld, castle gate being always open, remove a swamp flower from original D2 entrance, and the instant transfer caves.

Changed in v0.17 - Added the option to add remove some cave obstacles. This includes the strange object towards animal village, the pit in the cave under the grave, the deep water in the cave towards D6, and the deep water in the cave going back to the raft shop.

Changed in v0.17 - Added the ability to toggle on or off the instant transfer caves.

Changed in v0.17 - Added the ability to toggle on or off the extra overworld changes.

Fixed in v0.17 - Changed Half Door closed event in the logic. Don't worry about it.

v0.16 (Oct 25, 2017)

Fixed in v0.16 - Thanks to spaceotter, Level 2+ shield can be used on the flamethrower.

Fixed in v0.16 - Taking damage from Deathl's arms should no longer break the game in ROM v1.0.

Fixed in v0.16 - Changed how the different enemy damage options work.

Fixed in v0.16 - Certain options now occur after the sanity checks, making them optional.

Rearranged the UI a little bit.

v0.15 (Oct 23, 2017)

Fixed in v0.15 - Heart containers were not appearing in the right spot

Fixed in v0.15 - Secondary boomerang moblin cave sent you to a different overworld room.

Fixed in v0.15 - D3 Strange Objects on the screen right of start should appear relatively correctly. Should have also fixed D0/D3 boss door sprites.

Fixed in v0.15 - Bomb chests now give 10x bombs.

Added in v0.15 - Shutting the randomizer now saves previous seed and flags.

Added in v0.15 - To use custom flags, after typing them in the field, click the apply button to the right.

v0.14 (Oct 22, 2017)

  • Fixed in v0.14 - The desert cave two way bomb wall only opened in one direction, not the other.
  • Fixed in v0.14 - Moved the instant transfer near Mr. Writes house a tile to the right to prevent going into it when falling off the ledge.
  • Fixed in v0.14 - The cave that normally leads to the hill with the owl statue and seashell required a bomb arrow to get across normally. Removed a pit. Going back, if you don't have the feather you can soft-lock; removed a pit and block.
  • Fixed in v0.14 - Final boss is in the damage mix (Deathls arms...are unique).
  • Fixed in v0.14 - Redecorated Richards basement to allow casual walking to the chest and back if entered from above.
  • Fixed in v0.14 - Raft did not have rupee restriction. Now the logic must find at least 200 rupees before allowing a ride [100 rupee buffer].
  • Fixed in v0.14 - Attempted to check for required items to beat bosses [D7 and D4 are currently ignored, have to fix that...]
  • Fixed in v0.14 - Castle gate screen is blocking the bottom sides in the logic sometimes, specifically the rooster pit cave nearby.

v0.13 - Richard kills runs (Oct 21, 2017)

  • "Fixed" in v0.13 - Gels are Richards ...I hate Richard. Instead, a glitched version of "him" will be in the basement where he belongs.
  • Fixed in v0.13 - Heart Container in D7, needs to be removed.
  • Fixed in v0.13 - Random leever in lanmola's room
  • Fixed in v0.13 - Wizzrobes, Pols voice, dodongos, anti-kirby were assumed to be killed by sword during an event in a room
  • Fixed in v0.13 - Coming out of the grave (original colordungeon), was not working correctly. Need to extend the y position's exit point (who puts a y coordinate at $2E and not $30? It's two pixels, come on!).
  • Fixed in v0.13 - One way bomb walls should be two way bomb walls (5 areas fixed)
  • Fixed in v0.13 - Richard does not move when you beat D1, even if you have the leaves, because the flag for bowwow is set to 0x80, triggering the start of the bowwow quest. Richard is now changed to ignore bowwow (possibly all followers).

v0.12 - Jam broke it aain

Fixed bird key cave to allow hookshotting backwards.

Changed boomerang moblin cave in cave shuffle.

Added shovel in the shop when bow is already obtained. It says the arrows are 200 and shovel is free, but they should be the same prices as before (graphical error).

The sprite that was swapped with the sword is now at the beach. If it was an enemy, the sprite may or may not be correct, but the movement and attacks are.

Richards house is back to normal, and a 2nd Richard is in his basement. Both Richards still function the same.

Removed the block that was added in D5. Heart containers can be hookshotted.

Removed rooster logic to avoid the softlock when clearing D7 before checking rooster cave. Need to implement a way to keep rooster after D7.

Changed the egg's palette to remove white tiles during palette change.

Attempted to fix heart shuffle.

Logic was ignoring keyholes...fixed that.

v0.11 - Jam broke it

Removed sword shuffle from those flying bomb dropper enemies. Eventually I'll get a better fix for shuffle sword. Did you know the sword can't swim?

Fixed heart container shuffle.

Added a block in D5 to hookshot at in case of heart container shuffle.

Hopefully removed more power bracelets than the universe can handle.

Added an error message when the randomizer fails to open a read-only ROM.


Initial randomizer settings